Photo's are great you sure have packed a lot in this past few weeks have a safe journey home.
Love Mum and Dad
Carol And Bill
Sorry looking forward to seeing you on 28th !
Lisa Lusk
Photos are great. Looking forward to seeing you both next week.
Carol And Bill
What a wonderful trip you have had.Make the most of your last week.See you on 29th August.
Love Mum & Dad xxx
Carol And Bill And June And Ken
Hi Laura and courtney
just showing all your photos to Ken.
Love to see you having a great time out there.
Los of love from all of us
Carol And Bill
Hi Aurz & Court
Love the pics of New Zealand.
Looks like you are enjoying the snow!
Take care
Mum & Dad xxx
Carol And Bill
Hi Aurz & Court
Glad you have arrived safely in New Zealand.Hope you enjoy your adventure in ther camper van and all the snow sports.
Take care.Love Mum & Dad xxx
Hi Laura and Courtney,
Love the new photos from the Neighbours set, looks like great fun. I would love it! Great photos with Elle and Karl. Hope you have a good flight to New Zealand. Will catch up with you when you arrive there.
Love Lisa. xxx
Hi Laura and Courtney
It's your dear uncle here. Haven't left a message in a while. But it looks like you're both having a cotton-pickin good time.
I'm off to Norn Iron at the end of May. Hope to get a few games of tennis in with your mum and dad and granny. And of course, Drew will want a trip to Grace Neil's.
Hope you enjoy New Zealand. About as faraway as you can get. It's supposed to be beautiful. Like your lovely Ireland home in places. And I'm sure you'll love Hawaii. Get yourselves grass skirts but don't stand too near the camp fire.
All the best. Miss you both loads.
Andrew xxx
PS My folk singing is going really well. Singing every week now in various pubs and I've got a gig coming up in October...paid! The O2 has to be next!
Carol & Bill
Hi Laura and Courtney
Great to see the new pics and blog.Love to hear about all your experiences in Oz.Cotton picking looks like hard work but someone has to do it!
Hope the next leg of your journey is good.Melbourne then Hawaii- some people have a hard old life!
Take care and lots of love
Mum And Dad xxx
Sam & Mary
Hi, Was good talking and seeing both of you at the weekend (on skype) the wonders of mordern techknowledgy.We are stiil looking forward to seeing your pics so maybe if you get time in your hectic schedule you can share your experiences with us all. We are just jealous and seeing you both working hard picking cotton makes it that much more bearable. Be sure and watch out for each other as their are a lot of sharks out there.