dear wif, catching up on your latest adventures. good use of scarfs! liking your style x x
Check dis, I is on me own message space! Haha! Thanks for all the well wishes. Yes Pern I did go to the freaky church of Coca Cola worship! The whole town is odd beyond belief! I will be writing about it in me blog very soon. Loula the butterflies were so amazing but things since then have been even more amazing... or at least a different kind of amazing... and Da glad we cleared up the nasturtiums, Jose was indeed a gent it was the cab driver who took a shine... I´ve since got better at blowing out the sleazers! Seriously shove off will ya! ;-) ...and Da? Luv u! Will write more and upload some splendid pics when I get meself a better pc!
Love to y´all
Anna xx
Loula Love Ya Lots
ohhhhhh my god......the butterflies!!!!!
oh it makes me so happy!!
you lucky lucky b*****, sooooooo beautifull. i wish i was a butterfly. xxx
Word cannot describe the jealousy felt reading your experiences. glad to see you having such a wonderful time, San Cristobel is fabulouse. have you been to the uberweird church? where they burp to absolve their sins, and the Coke (acola) dealer is the richest guy in the village? worth a look.
Sorry Jose I misread the blog I didn't mean to plant nasturtiums (or is that cast aspertions) it was the taxi-driver who needs my number. As Robert De Niro once said....are you looking at me!!!
Makes me proud to be a mirkin...but nobody talk about it!!!
Just thought I'd clear that up!!!
Oh no now I've left the impression I may be American I'm actually British but I couldn't make that sound like a pubic wig for comedic effect. Perhaps if I just shut up I won't create any more misunderstandings!
luv u xxx
I've been catching up with yer blog, now I'll have to lie down again...
That bit about Jose wanting a phone number you should've given him mine, that'll learn him.
I like the sound of where you are now experiences ya can't describe in words are definitely the best ones. I like the sound of all the ritualistic thingys... Pass the Ayahausca brew I could do with a gateway to another realm!!!
Had yer lil sis down last week with Nina from her krew, and one of Kezza's posse with her pooch, and the footie was good this w/e so I've had a good week too.
Keep on truckin'
Lots of Love
a message from me wootie...butterflies sound amazing, well worth the trip, pics look great. Hard to imagine what it was really like. I saw a badger and a deer and the starlings on the levels, not quite up there with butterfly migration but pretty exciting for one day! xx
Lady J
5 * read - I've ordered a copy from the library - apparently I'm on a waiting list - gotta log on or something - maybe I can call a friend or blagg a blogg - stunning photos - luv the big chill - canine rear ends not bad either - quite a contrast to Mechiko! If I wasn't so old and crusty I wooden' 'alf be jealous - looks like this technology just got the better of me and made me write queer and crooked - luvya loads - catch up agin next time I go lounge floor surfing - till then keep amazin' anna*x*x*x
Oh the colors, the sun, the pigs' heads hangin' in front of a shop. It looks so nice down there, makes me ache deep down because i can't be there as well. I loved that sgt pepper's horrorshow painting and them things hanging on that tree next to the river creeped me out. what was that? how many big bangs have there been? seven? looks like you're entering the magic that is central and southern america. enjoy. i know i would. this is the end of this message.
Le Frog
hey miss
looks like you re having a wild time in mexico.... got a nice dawwg to ! same all here:working, working... make money to do same as you hopefully quite soon , also planning on buying a small hotel in virgin islands in 4 or 5 years..... never know... loads pf kisses from France where the weather is absolutly SHIIIIT!!!! gui. xxx
Loula Love Ya Lots
ello my lovely! hope you are enjoying the wonders of mexico, stupid question!missing you massive, home aint the same without my busty baker.wonderfull pick's, seems like you have met some right loons! speak soon. all my pixie wishes. xxxx