L & L Shenanigans
I got up early this morning and worked several hours before my parents woke up (Although Lewis has the summer off, I'll be working from the road). It was nice to work in the quiet and I got a lot accomplished. After my parents got up we took care of some business, and headed to Uncle Ray and Auntie M's for a couple of hours. We sat and talked and ate some lunch. I miss them and my parents when we say goodbye, our time together is never long enough. I wish all the people I loved the most lived in the same place, but having people to stay with and visit while we travel is pretty awesome. We hopped in the car with Niagara Falls as our next stop, we went about 10 feet when we realized that the tire pressure light was on (again). Uncle Ray topped off the tire and we headed to the nearest Chevy dealer. The tire is being patched up now, hopefully we'll be on the road soon, next stop: New York and a late dinner with my niece Danielle.
- comments
Rita LOVE them! I miss Uncle Ray and Auntie M so much!
Rita Woah, look at that old man on the left!