You have no idea how much I wish I were right by your side in the mountains, at the market -- the office can't compete.
Thinking of you, mostly with jealousy but also with a healthy measure of admiration. Keep up the posting.
love, erica
Dad & Mom
Hey- love the updates and the pictures~ they are awesome!!! Talk to you soon...... love you!!
Miss you!! Dad & Mom
Brittni And Rich
HEY Kymber! It so much fun reading your blogs and looking through your pictures. rich and i hope to one day take a month or 2 and travel the world. we just have to become rich fisrt :). but im getting my real estate soo excited :D. anyway...i have a horrble headahce so im headed to bed but i love and miss you lots!! see you in may!!!!!!
love brittni (rich says hi)
HEY! You have never met me, but I met your parents today (they might fill you in later)...but I was totally amazed and facinated with your travels and your current stay in Romania!!!
I was born in Moldova and went back a few yrs ago to visit...this coming summer, i am going backpacking with friends for 3 months through Europe.
Your parents are super fun...we shared a few stories together.
Just wanted to say I'll be 'faithfully' reading ur blog while ur out experiencing adventure! I'm also studying Romanian u'll be an awesome contact! maybe we can meet in person.
Be safe..don't go off by yourself. Romanians are nice, but you don't want to risk it either way. =) Happy Travels!!
Aunt Virginia & Uncle Mike
Hi Kymber
The photos are spectacular....but I dont see a picture of you, an empty bed,some feet and a guy in the room at the window. Just missing you and really enjoy your blog. We send our love and blessings.
Uncle Brad
Hi Kymber,
It's great to read about your travels so far. The experiences you're having now are going to last you a lifetime. I am so glad that you have taken the opportunity and the chance to travel abroad. I am so proud of you.
I look forward to living vicariously through your courageous endeavors.
Miss you, be Safe.
Uncle Brad
Hi There Missy,
I stuffed just reading your blog.....when you said you were horrified I was thinking you were going to say they had fed you dog or I, for one was very relieved that they were just going to stuff you full again.
Just was asking Melissa today if you had any updates and she, like me, hadn't been on-line for a few glad to have a little note from you.
Uncle Phil says Hi.
Love you lots,
Aunt Sue
Hello Kymber,
Your parents (very proud) have been forwarding your page to me. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and am looking forward to hearing more. Your writting is very discriptive. I can see, taste, and feel all you are writing about. With all that food -- protect your hips. Going by foot everywhere keeps everyone trim!
God bless you abundantly in your endeavors. He has made all you see. Awesome!!!! Looking forward to seeing the photographes. Be safe, be wise, and make Godly choices {how motherly of me ;-)}.
Louise Kohl
Kimi Fiore - Reliv Friend
Hi Kymber,
Your parents have been sending me your updates. You are amazing!! I have so much respect for you doing what you are doing, and doing it alone!! You definitely need to write....I am glued to everything you have written about! You have an amazing way of describing things that just keeps me wanting to hear more and more!
I have never been able to travel abroad and am living my adventures through you. Thank you and may God Bless your adventure and keep you safe!!
Kimi :)
hey kymber.
i just started reading your blog, good to hear your doing great and everything seems to be going smoothly, although you seem to get a lot of "shockingly memorable" moments, too. i gotta say though that your last entry made me kind of hungry :-) i hope you continue to have great time in romania, i wish you all the best.
take care
Dad & Mom
Hi Kymber~
So Great to hear you are back and had a good time! We have missed hearing from you! Ugh! I bet your stomach was churning with all that food! Talk to you soon~ Can't wait to see your pictures.
Love you!
Dad & Mom
John J. Roberts
Hey Kymber,
Sounds like a new adventure to be sure. Reading your most recent post made me both laugh, and wish I was back in Europe. I know exactly what you're saying about the "wandering back and forth trying to look not lost!" Walking kind of slow... trying not to look at a metro flyer... gazing empty eyed at the posters and advertisements on the wall and gazing momentarily and intently at the metro map as you pass slowly by thinking... "it looks the same this time I glance at it as looked the last five times... I was hoping to have a revelation."
I remember the underground in Budapest with Jonathan and Jocelyn in about 2004. The underground was packed with people and I had this vision of either them getting on one I couldn't or me getting on one they couldn't and telling them... "Whatever you do, if we don't get on the same train... don't go anywhere!"
As you're describing your experience I can smell Europe... the underground... the park. I can also taste the canned fish... when we were in Romania is was called "crap." Is that how it's labeled... it's actually carp I think - I mean that's the sort of fish it is - but they spell it "crap." We struggled a bit with it when we were there.
When I got back from the Philippines in May I thought I was sufficiently tired and uninterested in any near future travel. Lately, the last couple of weeks, I've been getting a pretty serious itch again. I'd like to get back to Eastern Europe to do a bit of teaching with the group I went with last fall, but don't know if it's in the cards.