So I don't know if it counts to write in my travel journal before I leave the country, but I'm going to do it anyway.
I am sitting in SeaTac airport waiting for another three hours before my flight leaves. My first flight was delayed so I was going to miss my connection, so I'm taking a later flight. But I found out all this after the fiasco of them almost not letting me check in in the first place because I don't have a return ticket. Austria needs proof that I am leaving within 90 days, and I have no real way to prove that. So there were about 15 tense minutes where I thought I was going to have to buy a return ticket for sometime in December, which would have only been half-way through my internship. But they let me check in, with the warning that I will probably get stopped at customs in Vienna. We'll see what happens when I get there!
I'll be getting in to Vienna a couple hours later than originally, but nothing too bad. Then I have a week or two of roaming my old streets before I go on to Budapest, then Bucharest!
I'll write again when there's more exciting things going on!
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