KIMBOOO!!!Papa has just directed me onto this thing so thats y i havent messaged u yet!lots of news, so in a nutshell - house goes on the market today, both had job interviews for Ireland - nothing serious yet, but pipeline...CANT WAIT for xmas at Waverley - but still in a huff wit u for not being there...SO very jealous that ur in sunshine given that my car was reading -6 the other day! Oh, whers TI? Suz Foster is in Oz at the mo - look her up on facebook, and Carol Watson please!...Newcastle's alreet like, not been here much - Leeds, Jockland etc lately, then home sun 21st woop woop!
If wer settled enough next summer im out to Tialand or Japan or somewhere stupid to meet Moira (off of Glasgow uni times) but will keep u in the loop OBVIOUSLY! stay away from the foreign men cos i dont want u married off and never coming back - they all stink and carry crazy STDs that us Brits dont have immune systems to fix, plus Papa wont like them, he has enough trouble with me seeing an 'English' boy!!!(jokin Harry if ur reading this!!!)
Anyway, that wasnt much of a nutshell, I love u millions and hope ur safe and well.Ur fav cuz, Princess Lou Lou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Kim,
Delighted to hear you got your LT. Looking forward to more photos! Ur Cairns plan sounds good. Xmas here will be at Waverely so looking forward to that. Louise & Chris will be home. Lots of snow in Scotland & N England with frost here. Had our lodger (Sammie) yesterday, brisk cold walks beach and park ice everywhere. She loved it! Lots of Love xxoo Nanny & Papa
Favorite Uncle And Bee
Well no aussi man on the go yet? When do u head off to Ti ? Hope it is not too sunny as it is cold and dark here.Glad you are having a great adventure.
Miss you lots of love
Stephen and Barbara xo
Hi Kim,
Copy message for U on your Hotmail.
Love Papa xxoo
Hi Kim,
Lovely to hear from you - Your photos are fab. Glad to hear you have started to enjoy early mornings???!!!
Love Nanny & Papa xxoo
Hello!!! glad u had a good time. I havent been on the internet cause we have had a virus but it s all fixed now thank goodness!!!! Did you get the e factor results?
Not much happening here just working and starting to get christmas presents in!!!! its a good job i got a cost of living pay backdated from april in my novembers wages!!!!!
So good to hear you're back . Can't believs you got off so few times - did you not get " cabin fever " !! The photos look amazing though - it sounds like it was ( nearly ) worth it ?? Your room in the hotel looks ok - nice to see you are keeping it tidy lol !! Look forward to hearing all about the boat trip - enjoy your day off - I have one too today ,but I think you might have the upper hand !
Love you zillions xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Kim,
Are you back on Thursday Island yet?
Mum And Nanny
Hi - Nanny and i have just logged on to see what youre up to ( before papa) ! Been out for coffee this morning shops full of xmas stuff !! Hope you survived your ordeal and didn't have to throw anyone overboard !Nanny wants to know did you spot the Bird of Paradise ? Looking forward to photos - hopefully will be able to speak soon .