Happy New Year (bit late again!) Can't believe your're only just half way through your travels! Wishing you both all the best for 2009.
Merry Christmas sweetie pies!!! The mexican was a huge success - will e-mail you a photo of us in our elf outfits, with added sombreros and 'tashes!!
Lots and lots of love - thinking of you so far away, miss you!!
Jo Poore
Merry Christmas!!! A day late sorry! You travels so far sound amazing. Hope you both had a good christmas day. Take care, Jo
It's all such a mess - I'm so behind - who's going to fetch the tree - who's going to decorate it - what about the cards - can you clean the cutlery - why isn't the washing machine running on overtime with a terms worth of dirty clothes???
Hello peeps :) Hope you're ok, haven't heard from you in a while.
Kimbo, not sure if you got my stupidly long email? I will call Debs tonight and see if she's online again yet and whether she's had your email/all clear etc. etc.
I hope you're both ok - think of you often. Missing you lots! Especially at this time of year - RUBBISH, we're gonna be 2 elves down this Christmas!! (Riaan still stuck back home...)
Well, take care!! Lots of love :)
Hello, great to hear from you, I've been a bit worried! However, I look up at the stars and think they are the same ones twinkling above you and that makes me feel better, AND saw 3 shooting stars the other night so made a wish. In a rush off to play golf, and then to stay with H&H for the weekend and see Gran. Lots and Lots of Love. Ma xx
Wills & Molly
Spot the deliberate spelling and grammer mistakes in the following message, a little game for Kimbo. XXX
Snowbell And Pip
Hello, ladies.
Good to read a catch up on your adventures, I keep forgetting about this blog then think you've gone AWOL in the Oz desert somewhere, so I really should check it more often. I actually got to see your lovely faces today, Hats mum sent me a couple of photo's from the mamouth CD of piccies you sent her. It was nice to see your lovely skinny chops. Glad you are having such an amazing time, can't wait to here more.
All well here, I'm a proper biggun now and Pip is currently learning to play the Xylophone on my rib cage, he can play a number of 70's hits!! We have a new kitchen, finally, and Molly had her baby a boy they have named him Wilfred.
Anyway will look forward to the next update and will try to check more. Hope you are smiling and completing all challenges, haven't seen evidence of the T shirt wearing yet, which is frankly a little bit naughty.
Love to you
Snowballs and Pip xxx
Hey Jonesy - sorry, only just seen your message.
They had their bag broken into travelling back to Bangkok - it's in the blog!! nutta.... :)
Hey girlies... when some photos???!!! come on! :)
Helloha you 2 :)
Sorry, have been rubbish at posting messages on your board. However, have just sent you a MAMMOTH email, so hope you're sitting comfortably when you open it!! HA HA.