great 2 c u r on the move. june, andy, jodie and the girls from work all send their love.
lol han and kie, mum and bran. x
hello sis, how u been?just been reading up on ur notes lol sounds like u been having fun!alright for some,i will write to u regularly, lew said hi aswell n hope are having a good time. love u loads n loads n will miss u, i will write to u 2morrow write back kris n lew
Dave & Kate
Actually forget that..Rockys on TV.
Dave & Kate
Hey guys,
Glad to hear its going good, we are sat here in sunny Exeter jealous as hell of you guys!!! Have fun.
D & K
hiya! getting about abit.the accommodation sounds top notch! ha!
work dragged by. missed you popping into see me.
it's great to see the messages from your mates.
tom from the group lamp, popped in for a haircut and says hello to you both. he says he appreciated you going along to watch the band. will catch you again soon, lol, mum bran and krissy. x
hi han and kie,
don't know what your'e upto today, but have a great time doin' it!
by the way elaine had her little girl last fri (1st) 7lb 2 1/2 oz .
all our luv, mum, bran and kris. x
Benny Boi
He he, Redlight district. How cool is that, see if u can find some fit gay men dressed in leather to send home so me and Matt can spit roast him. lol. Hello Kieran, just to let u know that all the mail and stuff i send Han is for u too, dont want u to feel left out.
Gonna go now and stop writing rude things on your message board. Probably mail u 2moro.
Miss u x x x
Great to know you've gotten there alright.
don't go spending all that money in the red light district. mind you, if you get some good gear, you could always do some pole dancing the pr of you, to make the money go 'round at the end of the journey! well , you did say you didn't fancy working yr way 'round!ha!
luv to you both, mum and bran. x
Han And Kie
Alright you two!! thanx for the msgs we have tried to put on our photos but the man here siad we cant :ö( never mind we will do soon...hope your both well xx x x
Danny Fanny
hay guys hope you havin a mental time , well jealous, hope you wernt to nakkerd when you left take it easy dudes
Benny Boi
Hey peep's, hope ya flight and everything went well and u found somewhere to sleep. Been lookin at the other profiles, by the looks of it u're gonna have a wicked time. Keep havin to remind myself to keep this clean as everyone can read it.
See u soon and hopefully catch u online at some point between now and then.
Take care guys, have fun x x x