hey guys hope you are both well?! i expect your very busy being working men now but you gotta update your journal!
neil i saw bepe the italian stallion from tesco's yesterday. he asked how you were with a smile on his face (wink wink) think he misses you!
anyway weather is awful today..its pissing it down and so miserable.
iv been looking at holidays today...doing two weeks in tobago hopefully in july. gettnig excited already! although thats nothing to you as your travellers of the world now
you two keep safe.
love lisa x
mission beach looks yummy!! xx
Does the phrase ''update your journal'' mean anything to you guys !!! Come on get into it ! xx
Dave...... a pool cleaner???
You dont even keep yourself clean, how u gonna clean a whole pool?
Hello davey baby!
Sorry if i have been neglecting you.
Sky diving must have been awsome! Didnt think you would have the balls! Guess u have finaly grown some. Good lad.
Going to ricardos in the big B this weekend, remember that little old place.
Good to see that you are both still loving it.
When u see Northan u gotta tell him to do some updates of his travels like u do.
Well my brother with another mother, chow for now
Alright there lads. Sounds like your having a great time. I just feel sorry for those girls around the pool Dave works at, I know his mum reads this so i'll stop there.
Can't wait to see you in Auckland, there's pleanty of festivals going on when your over and if that doesn't take your fancy the Kiwi girls will.
Northern. xx
hey guys...wow what a story your telling...everytime you write a journal entry you have somethihng more amazing to share. still very jealous. weather is so so cold its bloody horrible.
glad your both living every minute to the full.
well done for getting jobs by the way!
send some more pictures soon of your adventures. im waiting for a up date on the newest girls to join your gang!
be careful and keep safe
lots of love lisa x x
Rach And Andy
Sorry previous message was Sam pressing the return key !!! So just a quick message to confirm that they do have phones along the east coast of Australia which do connect to the west coast of australia if you dial the appropriate code 08 ! You could try it sometime !!! ooooooops p.s. Sam wants to know when Day !!! is coming back to drink his coke and when Nooooo is coming back to throw grapes in his mouth !!!, change his bum and draw him another digger !!!
Rach And Andy
Tha Boyz Tha Boyz
hey everyone, if your still reading this!! we are now employed travellers:
neil - laundry b****
dave - pool cleaner
free dinners, free accom, pocket money, its all good in the hood!!
Alright boys
Glad to see your still having a wicked time. I personally think that the reason for the lull in messages on your site coincides with the January Blues back here on the rock - and your site just made everyone jealous!
But now we are coming up to tropical Feb - the temp is almost double figures (now who's jealous!)
The sky dive sound awesome boys - i have meet up with Garnett and heard all the stories, sounds like you boys had it large.
Keep flying the flag!
Ruth & Ad
Hey Guys! Wow a sky dive your both v brave, we've got close did a helicopter ride. Anyway so when will you guys be in Sydney? We're flying to Cairns on the 10th feb then prob make it down to sydeny for 1st/2nd week of march. Catch up somewhere in Oz if not Nz! Great pics, take care, lv lupo xx