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Neil and Dave - Riding the crest of a wave!
Glacier Walking And Dolphin Swimming
Glacier Walking and Dolphin Swimming (101 photos)
lord of the rings land!
May 5, 2007
the franz josef glacier
May 5, 2007
quad biking in the pou…
May 5, 2007
so much fun hey peter …
May 5, 2007
yes i agree..
May 5, 2007
had more followers tha…
May 5, 2007
farmer dave!
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
teh river rapid we wen…
May 5, 2007
perfect lazy boy chair…
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
hokitiki beachfront..l…
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
the suzy team, drivers…
May 5, 2007
teh glacier we would c…
May 5, 2007
our mode of transport
May 5, 2007
teh glacier valley
May 5, 2007
on teh glacier
May 5, 2007
our first ice tunnel
May 5, 2007
how amazing!
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
look at that..
May 5, 2007
the boys the boys
May 5, 2007
doing my bit!
May 5, 2007
our guide making the way
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
ice cave
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
clear blue ice, strong…
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
ice cave
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
the team, me, neil and…
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
amazing views
May 5, 2007
the boys on the glacier
May 5, 2007
large crevase
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
climbing through the c…
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
no way down!
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
our guide!
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
ice cold lake!
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
in front of the avalan…
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
around 2kms tot he top…
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
storm coming in!
May 5, 2007
in teh helicopter
May 5, 2007
kaikoura sunset
May 5, 2007
out to find dolphins!
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
the backdrop!
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
our outfits!!
May 5, 2007
what a backdrop!
May 5, 2007
dolphins swimming with…
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
a multi shot picture o…
May 5, 2007
off teh bow!
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
sleazy suzie and the b…
May 5, 2007
the petrol attendant!
May 5, 2007
my whip!! the nissan s…
May 5, 2007
seal walk off kaikoura…
May 5, 2007
nice hair do.....
May 5, 2007
our hobbit friend!!! w…
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
May 5, 2007
just see the north isl…
May 5, 2007
looking back on the to…
May 5, 2007