What can i say i time travelled, and spent an amazing week on a tropical island.
I left Fiji saturday lunch time and arrived in rarotonga friday evening. Work that one out...
While on the island we did the island night which was good and a must do for a night out. We watched some typical dancing and had this cheesey man singing to us all.
The weather was hot at the beginning of the week, but got colder until the day we left where we had sunshine. At least i could take a few wicked pics.
As the weather was bad all we did was watch alot of DVD's and chat to others there, about where they were from, where they had been etc etc.
There was a visit to the local market and the food spent amazing.
Also just a crazy drunken night on bounty fijian rum, crazy things happened, including jumping into the pool at midnight and dancing on a few tables. Its all the usual.
Its the last leg on the journey and now im realising its time to go home. When you travel all you think about is i wonder whats homes like, but when the time coems to go home all you can think about is where you want to go next and try to forget the next flight is the one home.
I have had an amazing five months and its gone so quickly. I loved the opportunity and cant wait to save up and do it all again.
This is the last blog from aroung the world, as the next one will be from the UK.
This trip has been amazing and something ill never forget. Thank You everyone for keeping in touch and i thank those who have supported and helped me on this trip.
Also a big hello to all those i have met.
Bye Bye Adventure xxxxxx
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