Ello Auntie Kelly
Hugs and Kisses from Me
Miss u
Love Ruby Roo xx
Hi Kel,
Probably just missed you!
Hope ur well and enjoying urself
The photos look good, and still enjoying reading ur journal!
the weather is cold and wet here, so really really envying u now!
Not much to report at the mo, only that Ruby has got a BF at nursery a mixed race boy called Dontai!!
Thanks for the post card it was a nice suprise!
u look really well in the photos, aprt from the ahir situation! haha
Oh and send us over some of that coconut candy!!
Missin u like mad, take care
Love Z xxxxx
Hi Kel
U there xx
Quick message to say back on O2 mobile again xx
Nordene Belamon
just a quick one..caz tells me you are very much used to quick ones..miss you, always have..i miss your boring talks, so when you get back you must tell me all about your trip as long as you only take about 2 mins..will write more soon..
Hi Dennis,
You look like your having a fab time, keep the photos and updates coming. Last night for us, can't wait for rest days. Just to keep you up to date......not married but Tuesday lookig promising !!
Take care hun. luv ya x x
Hi littl'un...very quiet here without you. You look as if you are having a great time. Keep safe,sweetie xxx
(nothing to say, all is as s*** as it always is)xxxxxxx
Hi everyone, hope ur all good.
Am in Krabi at the mo & it's poxy raining!!!
Until further notice am now on mob no +66 998 49657
Also as keep getting a few requests & I did promise I would upload them over a month ago, girlies u can now view my leaving drink pics xx
Ninda And Eric
HI Kelly , You will soon be in Malaysia and then Singapore ... keep us informed .. i cant wait to see what you think of Singapore ! We will be in Singapore at the end of April .. Pity we will not meet...you sound like you are having a wonderful time ... what a great experience
Hi Kel, Good to hear you are safe and sound, was getting a little worried as you had not updated your journal for neally a week. Us girls are getting together on the 1st for a night in at Nina's, you will be sadly missed but watch out as your ears will probably be burning as no doubt your travels will come in to our conversations! Take care mate, speak soon Vx
Hi Kelly, great to see you are having fun, photos look great apart from the one of the snake, I am a bit disapointed you didn't wear your lovely pink dress with your bonnet it would have looked fab!. take care and look after yourself, love Jules x