Keith and Joy's Travels
30 days till Around the World 2014, It's been a long time since my last blog update and I am not even sure anybody gets or reads these anymore with Facebook and other sites. So I am putting it out there. If you are still recieveing these emails and updates let me know by messaging me back. I am not even sure this website still works. I do not want to post anything on Facebook while we are gone as this wedsite is limited to people whom I choose to know where in the World we are. So if your out there please message us back I might even have my spell checker working this go around.Thanks Keith and Joy
- comments
Tracy Hi Keith, I got the blog post. Keep me on the list. I enjoy reading about your travels and seeing photos. Tracy
Chris Count me in Bro!
nancy b still receiving your blogs, keep them coming. I enjoy following
Northcoasters Put us on your list. Santa we have been good :)
Mary I am still reading your blogs. :)
Tacy You know I have to live vicariously thru you....don't shut me out!!!!!
Karen Keep the stories and photos coming Keith and Joy! Got your funny Kentucky GPS postcard the other day! :)
pete wasiluk i still read them
Kelly Hey Keith got your post and cant wait to see where you and Joy will be going next. My house is for sale hoping for a quick sale Happy New Year
judy k...had it saved in favorites column...good to go...have fun & blog blog blog!!!
karen Andress Hi Keith and joy this is great I hope yiu guys have a great trip really cool places look forward to reading and hearing about your adventures Karen
Renee I really look forward to seeing your pictures..keep it all coming please!