Hi Sam and James just been looking at your blog, looks very very very hot, glad your having a great time. xx
Julie Saunders
Hi Sam & James. Really enjoying your blog, looking forward to reading all about your adventures! Look after yourselves x
Loraine Gregory
Hi James and Sam. Just found your blog, it's fantastic. You certainly look like you are both having a great time. Enjoy and take care, xx
Hi Sam and James, glad you arrived safe in India. I will be following u all the way, sounds wonderful what an experience for u both, take care of yourselves ( and the sunburn Sam ) X
Lily Veness
hi guys missing you loads and hoping you have a safe journey and enjoy yourself. xxxxxxxx
Nona Bear X
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain xx
Ashley Veness
Hi guys, just been through your blog after our face time chat today and pictures from India look brilliant. You look like you have settled in to your new way of life very quickly! Take care love you lots Vic, Ash and girls. xxxxx
Have a great time, take care both of you, love Stevie, remember if you get to Shanghai look up Holly xx
Happy travels to two very "special" people. We'll miss you! BE CAREFUL. X X