Hey Kathleen. Just thinking of you. Hope all is going well. Keep up the good job with the pictures and the blog.
I am so happy you are having such a great time! Keep the updates coming.
love mom
Megan (I Deleted My Facebook, Is Jazgirl Still Your Email?)
Megan(Won't Let Me Type Anything Either! :( )
Sara!! (It Won't Let Me Type Anything Just Put A Smiley....?
Kevin Koenigs
Sounds like your having quite the adventure!?! Hopefully your run-in with the locals was a one time thing. At least it will make for some good stories. Your upcoming trip to see the penguins sounds very cool. I'm looking forward to seeing those pictures. Enjoy this great opportunity. Kevin
Hey Kat !!! Cool pictures... looks like you are in warm/nice climate down there- I am jealous. Did you find any boomerangs? Your classes sound fun, especially the biology one going to penquin island- hope you get pics of that. Have Fun !!!! Michelle
Sounds like you're having a great time...enjoy every minute of it!
I am enjoying your pictures so much. It sounds like you are having a great time. I am so glad for you. Love Aunt Lynn
This is great Kathleen!!! Keep the pictures and info coming.
Hey Kathleen! Nice to see you've started a blog. Can't wait to see some travel news from down under