Hiya Kayleigh mumu showed me how to get in to your site. Glad to know you are ok and enjoying yourself. This is Easter sunday and we have snow on the ground. Tommy C is over here with mum and Rox. Keep in touch. Love to you both. Grandad. PS haven't seen you at the cricket grounds when England playing.
hello my darling,after talking to u both tonite i checked your blogs and saw the pics, can't wait for more. havea wonderful time in n.z and safe driving. lots of love to you both, take care, i love you xx
You sound like you're really enjoying it which is always good. I hope you have every intention of seeing the shire whilst you're out there on my behalf...keep writing and send photos if you can
Am totally jealous sounds like you are having an amazing time!!!!
i hope you are taking tons of photos!!!!
Have a fab time xxxxx
Love Thomas xxx
Just one word for you two - b****es! ;)
Christine (Mum No.2)
lovely to read your blobs. Fiji sounds wonderful - i expect you are looking forward to getting back to Pacific Harbour. I have looked at the hostel on internet and it looks great. Enjoy Castaway Island and if you find any packages open them. It might be something useful like a football. have lots of fun. lots of love Christine xxx
Hey Girlies
How's it all going? how is Fiji? of course im not jealous!!! (well much anyway!!lol) im sure you will be pleased to know that good old Southend is enjoying gale force wind and buckets of rain!!
where are you two headed next?? hope you're having fun and if you do happen to come across a hot surfer dude and he will fit in your bag please bring him home for me and if he has a mate can you bring him home for Louise?
Have muchas fun
muchas love
Lisa C
hello u two. sounds like ur having a fab time...and im not jealous at all (yeah right). glad ur enjoying it as much as everyone else seems to over in sunny US of A. Hope it continues. Enjoy every moment x x
Ps, kay, ur mums entry bought a wee tear to my eye!!! remember, everyone will still be here when u get back so just enjoy. and be good. and safe. x
Roxy- Little Sis
I love you xxx
Gill -Kay's Mum
Hello my darling, have just caught up on your blogs, yep finding my way around hehe. So glad you both had fab time in vegas, the canyon, yep i remember those feelings.
enjoy your stay in Fiji, be our eyes.
Thomas sends you lots of soggy kisses, and we tell him every day of your travels. Rox sends you her love, and misses you as do i (very much) and TC.
my love to you both, keep each other safe and happy, love ya's lots
Sarah Linzey
Hiya you two!
Well tell me is Elvis still alive 'n' kicking in Vegas?!!! Rather than loosing money in the Casino - you should have got on stage and tried your hand at Caberet - you would have had the pick of the hotels then!!!