So here we are we have finaly landed and checked into our hotel. I shall start from where I left off last night. We finaly got to the airport and found out that the upper story of the drop off zone had been shut down for some reason or another. Adam's dad and his girlfriend came and saw us off, they left at about 9 15 when we realised that we needed to be at our gate for bording gates in 15 minutes. once on the plane I must have come off as very young as I had not seen the in flight entertinment. I also found out that the rumor that dad and I had heard was correct and if you fly emerits you get all your drinks free. All in all it was an ok flight, I only have a few complaints: the seats I had asked for in advance had been changed which made it very hard for adam and I to move about, and when we flew into dubai it was foggy and so we had to wait another 30 minutes to land, not normaly a big problem but when you only have an hour to get to the next gate to board it ment we had to run through the air port to make the flight. I would like to point out at this stage to anyone that has not flown either into or via Dubai before the airport there is the worst put together I have ever heard of. I will not go into to much detail now but lets just say if you have a high speed train in your airport why would you make it drop you off at the other end of the building than where it says it drops you? n ow because of the delay of people getting onto the flight to dublin from dubai we were late onto the plane and because Adam and I had run for the flight we were both on the wiffy side and then to find out that our seat had been changed again was almost too much for me. Once we landed in dublin it was a pretty easy matter of getting throught security and customs and get going not I would now like to give you a sample of what things cost here I brought a 500ml bottle of coke for 1.70 euros and a day trip on public transport is only 11.50. We caught a taxi from the airport to the hotel as by that stage all adam and I wanted was a shower and some food. we meet a really nice driver whos name we didnt manage to get but whom recomended plenty of things for us to try while we are here. OK well thats it for today and I will try to keep you posted daily if I can.
lots of love K&A
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