4. Cockaigne (adj.)
Origin - Latin
An imaginary land of luxury and idleness.
Hello Middle East!!!! 5.45am = 30 degrees. Glad I changed into my track pants from my jeans!
After landing super early, I relished in the thought that I would have ample time to saunter around the "Best Airport in the Middle East". My excitement level was high. Especially after the wonderful in flight presentation showcasing major international art installments (giant yellow teddies) , unique shopping experiences (which I probably wouldn't have participated in, not in the budget) and a 2 story tall copper playground for the youngins! Pure bloody luxury!
Alas instead I enjoyed 1.5 hrs waiting in line to go through yet another security checkpoint. GREEAAAATTT!! Highlights did include a colorful African women with her carry on luggage on her head and an Indian business man in a shiny silver suit. People watching was definitely taken up a notch. Quantity and quality.
What I did see during the whole 3 minutes I raced through the terminal was pretty spectacular; which may make me want to rethink my crazy cheap flights changeovers for the future considering how fancy airports are getting.
But my attention was definitely grabbed from the informative onboard video and the exotic view from my window seat. Doha is definitely somewhere I am going to add to my ever growing bucket list.
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Nadia Umm Doha is now on my bucket list too...giant yellow teddy here I come!