Liking the latest blog update, both entertaining and educational! hehe
Oh and before anyone else says it, all the change is down the back of an Indian sofa. Mystery solved. Yeah I know, not funny...
Can't say I didn't warn you about the snorers on the train, but you have my empathy!
Take care in Thailand hun, don't enjoy the extensive sun, sea and sand too much... *jealous* xx
Phoebe G
Hi Kate! I agree with your mum there is definitely a future in travel writing for you, laughed my head off (in the the library, didn't go down too well) The kids sound amazing, glad you're safe xxxx
hey katie!
finally got to see your blog entry today as have been down with my nan, up in scotland at the mo and it has to be said my 3 degrees wont compare to your lovely temperatures!
make sure you keep us all updated and DONT do and amy and loose your camara again lol. it all looks amazing!
love youxxxxx
Katie Williams
Hey guys!
There are lots of dogs in India, Grace and yesterday we saw quite a few puppies as well. Unfortunately people don't seem to look after them that well so maybe when your bigger you could come out here and take care of them!! Last night we actually ate chips, no curry! But so far we have only had chick pea and or lentil curries, no meat :(
I am of course gutted that I don't have a she-wee but I have become quite the squatting expert!!
Love you all and glad your enjoying the blog, more updates soon!
Nichola Williams
Brillant blog entry Kate - very entertaining. Perhaps you could become a travel writer for one of those TV shows. Sounds like an amazing place. I have had to restrain dad from booking his ticket now!
Take care, keep safe and guard your belongings!!!
Mum xxxx
Nichola Williams
Kate for some reason the last text you sent me won't open and nor are they saving on my phone apart from the first couple of texts when you arrived. Keep your chin up, unfortunately it is inevitable that there will be mishaps on the way. Love you. XXX
The Dishingtons
Hi Kate sounds like your having a lovely time were sitting here having carrot soup dreaming about Dahl and rice Grace says are there many dogs in India. What was in your curry last night ? Did you wish we had bought a she-wee or have you or have you gone boy style?from Auntie Ali. Lots of love from The Dishingtons xxx
Hannah Taylor
I enjoyed your blog entry and I am enjoying the picture of you in your hat more. Dont change it. Tee hee xxxxxxx
Nichola Williams
Hi Kate
Thanks for the messages today. Glad you enjoyed your jolly jaunt!! We received some info from the student loan co. Apparently you should have let them know that you were abroad. We have got to fill out a form stating that you are abroad and send your last two bank statements! Apart from that nothing exciting to report- except miss you and have spent some time in your room talking to Honey, Beaky and Boris - they send their love. XXXX
Phoebe G
Hi Kate!
Thinking of you in India! It is ab freezing in my flat so we are 2 extremes! Hope all the people are really nice, know you will have an amazing time, keep us updated my friend xxx
Chris Brazier
Hope you've enjoyed your first couple days out there! I made the rookie mistake of noticing the weather forecast for Mumbai the other day, suffice to say I'm now finding it slightly harder to appreciate the drizzle and grey I'm being treated to over here... xXxx
Nichola Williams
Dear Kate
We had our first meal without you and we all missed the 'banter' that you and dad would normally be having at the table hehe! Even baby butch has said that he will miss you. I put your hairdryer and straightners away in your chest of drawers waiting for your safe return! XX