Katie & Chris World Tour 06/7/8!
Coming to the end of a great week and start to our trip in Jersey, we can't believe how lucky we are that we don't have to go home yet. It definitely still hasn't sunk in that it's going to be like this for a while.
Our first week away has gone so quickly yet it seems like a long time ago that we had our celebratory champagne at Longueville Manor. We've had an action packed week of surfing (yes I gave it another go but no still not popping up properly yet), cycling everywhere (Chris made it round the whole island in 8 hours!), running, walking, you name it. No rest for the wicked! It's been great to have time to do more things like this. We visited the island of Sark which is 1 x 3 miles and has no cars but lots of goats - well one Chris got friendly with, called Freddie!
Finished off our time toasting with the Sea Cloud champagne and a rather old fashioned barbecue involving a hole in the ground and a leg of lamb. Been spoilt rotten as ever by Georgie and George, and will miss them (and no doubt their hospitality and big bed) loads. Reality I'm sure will set in a bit more tomorrow when we head for France in our new home!
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