This picture is young monks in training at an orphanage on the grounds adjoining Angkor Wat. We visited them after the sunrise over the main temple. The sunrise gathering was more like Woodstock in numbers. My best pics are water reflections of those taking pics.
The children were out selling postcards, books, etc. I bought some as I could not resist this little guys smile and then had at least 100 sales people around me! Learned my lesson quick! We visited small worship area and received a blessing by a monk and got my fortune read. Reading was I would be blessed in whatever I choose to do. Good with that.
My day in Cambodia was totally a day of being a tourist from 5 am to 10 pm.
See more pictures of trip on as this is Blog of Tim and John who are posting a lot of pics.
Rode an elephant around Banyon Temple, visited a school briefly as we'll as the tonle sap lake and Chong knead floating village.
In the evening there w as a huge buffet with 12stations for only 75 of us followed by traditional dance performance. I could hardly stand to look at the food after seeing such poverty and deprivation all day.
Avg annual income is $1000.
I also visited the market and saw a woman who appeared to be 90 grinding fresh coconuts.
Yesterday we left Siem reap at 930 am and flew to chongqing , china
With a group of 18 I chose to take a commercial flight to Xi'an where I am to see Terra Cota warriors today. Will be another long action packed day.
The temp in Cambodia maxed at 105 and was raining when we left which was unusual as not yet monsoon season. The driver was excited that they would have mangos now for their upcoming spring holiday.
I learn so much from the local tour guides .
Here it is Monday morning and a cool 55 . Going to wear jeans today.
Last night friend Pam and I wandered around town and I cannot believe how crowded it is. Unbelievable. High rise after high rise apts for miles . We are in northern China having come over some really tall mtns. I am staying in a brand new Westin. Lovely.
- comments
Paul Sounds very interesting. Glad it's cooler for you. I know how you like the heat.