Well, we're having a great holiday but can't tell you all about it just now. If there's one of you who's hanging on our every word you'll have to wait a few more days for the details and lovely pictures of snow covered mountains, peaceful lakes, baby crocodiles etc.
Our last blog was written 10 days ago and transferred to a stick to load onto offexploring when we got to Pohkara. Howevr the hotel's computer only took CDs, not sticks. The internet cafe didnt have microsoft word. It had a program called Wordpad which not only was not compatible with our Word document but corrupted the stick so as to make it unusable elsewhere. We have it all on our laptop back in Kathmandu but an old blog is not news so maybe well scrap it - although it does contain colourful pctures of the Hindu wedding. The computer in this internet cafe keeps telling me "the version of Windows 7 I am using is not genuine and ..... " but I'll carry on. It prodces fun copy as t sems t mss most f the vwels so yu have t go back and corrct it all the tme. Se wht i men? All part of the fun of Nepal.
Pokhara was perfect - clean, quiet, sunny. Lovely hotel. No mountain views till the last day. Really enjoyd it. Chitwan is also great and we've seen all the animals except tigers. Lots of pictures to show you although we fear our holiday snaps will be a dradful bore to our reader. Kath broke her wrist yesterday. She fell over on the river bank just after getting out of a dugout canoe. Had to be bounced 15 miles to the nearest hospital, general anaesthetic and arm in plaster. Not a happy occasion but fortunately a French pompier wth emergency training and his wife who is a nurse were on hand and took control of the situation. The hospital? Heaven help anybody with more serious problems. Kath is now much better, no pain nd beng treated like royalty by our excellent safari lodge. No bouncy 5 hour safari this afternoon but a few hours in a river side bar will do just nicely.
Don't worry. We're doing fine and enjoyng ourselves most of the time.
No photos this tme.
Catch up later.
- comments
Anne C Sorry to hear about Kathie's accident, what a pain! Had lovely 36 hours with James and Nicola, sun was out, sky was blue and beer chilled. Enjoying the blog and photos. Take care see you soon.
doug and Sue Hope your arm is comfortable Kathie. An Australian fireman/paramedic helped us in Beijing last year. They would seem to be the perfect travelling companion!
Irene and Roger Poor Kath! Hope the plastered arm doesn't hinder your enjoyment of this adventure. Love reading your blog and look forward to hearing more about the trip when you get back home. xx
James Sorry to hear about Kaths accident. Send her our love. Hope it does not hinder your plans too much. Take it easy out there.