Glad someone is keeping me informed of my parents shennanigans - we can always rely on Mrs Minky to lower the tone!!
alreet Kathy.
So I have two quotes for you.
1. "rich & john sampling the local ouso last night"
2. "we were getting hammered with joise & mick, she was plastered"
So the rents are having a blast then i see! up to no good. But your adventure sounds good. I don't think that i would take to a cricket very well. What is it with you and the flanimals? Crickets, Snails, the list goes on.....
All is well here, grafting away as per. Been left in charge of the whole NHS trust this week...eeeekk! but a few crisis's (not sure if thats right) have been well resolved, so good lad me.
Keep rocking and remember......"thats numberwang"
Well my computer just had a sesure and sent you a blank message!! What i was gonna say was that apparently garlic keeps the mossies away (not sure about crickets though!) When i read the bit about the cricket it sounded like something from a carry on film! Very funny. I'm glad you're having fun. :o)
Can you believe that the folks are in the same place...i dont know!!!really enjoying uni am there at the mo will send you an email with all the info when i get home!!!sounds like your having a great time, i can just imagine the scene with the cricket!!haha will email you later take care lotsa love xxxxxxxxxx
Hello you! Really enjoying all your updates - sounds far more civilised than I thought it would be, I was all tea and sympathy for you before you went thinking it would be all witchity grubs and the odd vino from a tin cup (I'm a clebrity springs to mind!!) Now I have this vision of glitter flip flops/sequined kaftan and cocktails in Brazil - go girl!! Well in 'Utto' we now have the cinema and bowling alley open. Yours truly graced the red carpet on the VIP(yeah right lol!) night and managed to avoid the cameras - I really do need more practice getting out of a stretch Hummer in a low dress!Lily is still 'lurvin' Windsor Park and we are in the process of organising her 10th birthday party - all flashing popcorn and feather boas (well you would not expect anything less from me would you!!) Looking forward to seeing your photos, take care, keep safe. Cazzy X
Somebody should tell The Smith that unfortunately a Vodka before bedtime is said to keep the old Mossies away; sure she won't be happy to hear that ; ) Apparently they don't like the taste in the blood. Althoguh that would imply that they have to git you once to know they don't like it. Then wahat if they don't tell their friends (just for the crack) and they all take a bite too. Um, perhaps it wont work. Sure Smith will have a good few attempts though, just for reseasearch's sake ; )
Keep at it Smith, you're doing grand! Miss you! x
Mary, Rich, Sal N John
Hi katherine,
We are in sunny Parga for a weeks chill out so we thought we would have an evening stroll along the prom and a beer, like you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and guess what? we bumped into Mr & Mrs Smith having a romantic lager overlooking the harbour, so what can you do, we pulled up and good old Mick bought us a beer!! what a great start to our holiday. Popped into an internet cafe - as we are all ace on the old PC and thought we would contact you and let you know the score however as usual we have had to contact TANKY to help us out with the technical stuff. Pleased that you are in fine health and enjoying the experience. We are having lots of the old falling down water and hope to meet up with the Smiths for "Welcome meeting" tomorrow, not used to these package tours you know. No doubt we will dine with them later in the week.
Keep safe and well.
Lots of love
Mary, Rich, Sal and JJ xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Tanky for pointing out my technical retardiness for all to see!
Hiya paaaal!!! Glad your ok and got there safely!sounds like your already having a fab time!!! Billy Elliot was really good,defo one of my favourites!!! I keep checking this to see if youve updated!!!hehe i will send you a email when ive got some gossip 4 u!!!start uni 2moz wish me look!!! keep safe love luce xxx
Fairy Godmother
hellooo katherine hope u r ok. don't fuse a third world country with those straighteners will you? we r ok (although ed & dan are intent on killing each other - couldn't you have taken one of them with u?) all is boring here. You take care
Steph, Ed and dan
how do!
a good first update there kid, and a good read. I will expect nothing less now you have started off with a good one!
Lucky Luck men and saggy arses! not for me but the Jesus statue on the hill sounds like a must and must be very overwhelming to see it in real life and not on the tele.
The use of the penny is a good one and very handy in times of need. but i would suggest a dice maybe?? but then again, you need to have six options for the dice so keep it simple. I'm jelous already as i write this looking out of the office window at the grey skies and pouring rain! oh joy :)
any ways, keep rockin and i'm awaiting the next update. and just in the same league as the body coloured bumpinators watch out for PC's that have no USP ports!!!
Take it easy.
PS. its a cool thing that i get an email when you update this! MINTOS