We got up relatively early the next morning to go and sample some more freaky natural phenomena, in the shape of Monument Valley. Honestly, I had never realised that America was home to so many amazing scenes of natural beauty. Thought that was our job in Wales! Everything there is on a larger scale though - you're further away from civilisation than you've ever been and trying to get your head round massive monoliths or huge canyons...or in this case weird red coloured rock formations in the middle of the desert. We drove into the national park and got out to do a bit of investigating and to discover that it was the coldest, windiest day on Monument Valley's records (that last bit isn't necessarily the truth, but suffice to say, it was a little bit gusty.) We looked briefly around the visitor centre which told us all about Navajo code talkers during the Second World War (Google 'em, folks) before deciding that we weren't really up for going on the guided tour on the back of an open top truck and so instead would do the self guided drive...our little PT Cruiser probably wouldn't know what had hit it, but a little off roading seemed preferable to hyperthermia. We spent the next couple of hours looking at a large number of freaky rocks, called things like '3 sisters butte' - 3 bits of skinny rock, which if you squint might look a bit like 3 skinny women and 'Elephant's Butte' - like an elephant etc, etc. Monument Valley is where a lot of wild west type movies were filmed, and it was strangely atmospheric, but once we'd done the circuit once, neither of us was particularly worried about doing it again, so off we headed. We wanted to go to The 4 Corners monument, the only place in the whole of America where you can stand in 4 states at once, because the corners of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico come together. The place certainly isn't grand, but they mark the exact spot with a kind of compass on the floor, so you can contort yourself so that you have a hand or a foot in each of the 4 states (we're such tourists!) There we met our requisite Americans who gave us the whole "Aaah, my gard, your accents are so cute!" routine...frankly 'by this stage, I was offended if they didn't comment on how cute we were, we'd heard it so often! Anyway, we took the necessary photos, still being blown around by the Force 9 gale, and then headed to New Mexico, stopping the car and jumping out to take a photo every time we crossed a state line and had the 'Welcome to...' sign. By the end of it I couldn't really tell if we were coming or going, as each state appeared to last for about 500 yards and then change, but I can tell you that we ended up in New Mexico, in another nondescript place called Farmington...x
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