Were glad to leave Quito and head to a smaller town, especially after we were robbed and think just about everyone has been robbed or conned in some way. They have many ingenious ways of doing so, some of them include
1. 2 middle age women with handbags push against you on busy bus, train etc, but what do we gringos think, it wont be a middle age women who slashes my pocket/bag and steals my belongings it will be a dodgy looking youth, very wrong indeed!
2. you get out a taxi often after a long journey and go to collect your rucksack out the boot, but oh no the driver sppeds away with rucksack still in taxi!
3. you are walking along the street or bus station when all of a sudden you have ketchup, mayonnaise or any other condiment on your shoulder as you take your bag off to clean up the mess someone steals your bag
so actually we got off lightly. Apart from that Quito is a cool city.
Spent some time in Banos a town with thermal springs and a volcano. Decided to go for a swim at the baths which apparently have healing properties, however it was a saturday afternoon so just think it was a high urine content because of the number of children. Also got a bus up to a mountain to see a volcanoe at night. I think the volcanoe has been invented by the tourist board as we could see nothing. Lots of nice pubs with outdoor fires though so more than made up for the lack volcanoes. Stayed at a really cool hostel with steam baths in the mornings.
We then headed over to the coast looking for some sunshine. After long journey we arrived and the sun was shining, however it didn't last. It has been cloudy since then which I am very sad about as desperately need a suntan as don't have any faketan with me so currently look ghost like. Montanita is really cool despite the weather, staying in a little beach hut with hammocks, so lots of chilling out and drinking rum. Went whale watching today, the boat journey was a little unpleasant to begin with, think due to the rum last night rather than a rough sea. saw 3 whales in the ocean which was cool, saw them jumping out the water and water spraying out their spout (don't think that is the technical term).
Got another night here then moving on, we will try to get some photos on soon.
lots love
kate and max
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