Oh weren't we spoilt, after being around Alwar in the day and seeing projects or going to Rotary meetings we had either seen tourist highlights or the country side. This night we got to go out to the Fort ( name escapes me right now) a drive out of town and I was out of luck with my camera (had to rely on the iPad ) so I missed out on more photos especially the one where it was lit up at night. We were welcomed to the Fort with afternoon tea and a tour.
It was a majestic view across the farmland to the hills on the other side of the valley. Well worth the drive up the narrow dirt road. The children are so curious with us as they don't get a lot of white tourists along the road. The fort has been partially restored using traditional methods. You would hardly believe that a mere 8 years ago it was a ruin. Now it is run as a hotel and tourist attraction, as a growing amount are turning that way. They cannot finance the repairs so desperately needed. At the same time modernising them especially for Western tourists. This one now has an occupancy of 16 and is not yet finished.
The Rotary Club of Alwar organised a show especially for us of which I even have partial videos of. There were traditional dancing displays (even their Club members dressed in traditional clothing) at one point 2 of our members were taken up to the stage to dance with them. Would have been alright if that was enough to satisfy them, no, it was not so this little duck got taken with the second draft. Lucky you don't have to watch the video I have on that. Hahahaha
The performer even did a fire dance display, good on video magical on the night. The whole night was one I will never forget, and the people I met there I won't forget them either. Especially President Parwan on the left of the picture nor Rtn Manesh on the right. Oh I better mention Rtn Lalit of course but that's a whole other story not sure it would fit on here.
We were presented with a gift and the men also received a Rotary badge. Lalit and wife Shipra also gave me a friendship bracelet and a small statue. I feel so special :) on the way out the gate I was given the banner on the wall in the picture which I will bring home. Not letting that out of my hands even taking it when I go to Nepal. That overwhelmed me. The generosity shown to me was overwhelming and I have made friends I know I will see again one day. Maybe even Sydney at the RI World convention
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