Bang Sao Thong, Thailand Sep 20, 2013 Hiked to the top waterfall in the rain, with Bryce, Jeoen and Florian. Slippery as he'll and treacherous to boot. Still, I the only female to reach the top waterfall.
Bang Sao Thong, Thailand Sep 19, 2013 Spent a night on a houseboat on lake. Went canoeing with Jeroen and Bryce. Did some swimming and a fair bit of drinking. Great food once again. We were left out on the lake by ourselves and the crew returned in the morning
Ao Nang, Thailand Sep 15, 2013 Much easier trekking today and I wore long hiking pants. No need.. Rode across the river in power boats. In dry season they take a raft down the river but reckon the water is soo fast flowing at the moment that the raft would break up. Lunch on the side of the road on the other side while we waiting to be picked up to head into the park. Headed off to camp in the national park. No camping though coz of all the rain. In pretty good cottages. Great meal cooked by o...
Ban Kat, Thailand Sep 14, 2013 Set out wearing my shorts. Big mistake should've been the long trousers today. Lots lots of scratches on my legs (and everyone else's too for that matter!!) pulled off a couple of leeches at the end of the day. Foot bled for awhile. Pretty miserable day drizzling and listening to whiney super-scared Debbie from Scotland. She was walking so close to me at one stage that she kept clipping my shoes. Eventually told her, coz she's too stupid to work it out for hersel...
Ban Kat, Thailand Sep 13, 2013 Did a bicycle tour on very basic bikes -cost us 50B. Rode out of town and climbed some more steps, felt like another 300 I'm sure!! Hehe Then off to the markets where there were some weird things - like deep fried crickets!! And giant racing beetles. Bought a yummy sausage on a stick and Leang bought some different fruits for us to try