Chris Ignore my emails - have sorted out the log in for the card and your money is on it fine.
Louise Ayliffe
heya rach
hows yr trip so far? hope yr having fun
thankyou for my presents (choc orange/necklace/ipod charger)
luv lou xxxx
p.s mum and dad say hi and love u xx
Love the pictures - fantastic buildings and shapes - can see you're having the time of your lives
hi all vic did u pay your final gas and electric?your council tax says your in 90somethink in credit do u get that back?i will put your cheque in bank as soon as i can ok finerly did you put anythink about grandads party in your card cos i will take it down there during he day and we dont want him to no about the party?anyway have fun speak soon love to all mummy xxxxxx
Put lots of pictres up and do it very often! :P
Mum wishes you all well, and she can't stop worrying about you xD
p.s. i know you want to get me a fantasmalistic present, so just do it haha ^^ x
You must nearly be in Bangkok by now - how exciting. Weather looks a bit moist for a few days - especially armpits ha ha. Respect local customs, culture etc and I'm sure you will have a ball.
LoL d xx
Sue Godby
Just left you all at Heathrow so first leg of the trip now complete. hope you have a good flight and get some shut eye!
Have fun Vic and Chris, don't die too badly :P
Mum says " tell Chris to take care of my little girl! lol"
:) x
cheers guys!! will bring back fake rolex's for all - a nice big tacky gold one for you nath ha
Have a gooden' guys and gals, and bring back gifts! :D
Terry And Jayne
have a great time,keep safe.nan sends her love.keep in touch.
have a great time. don't forget - when you hit australia, so to fraser island. you will have a ball