BIASED and LIARS; Why does Government give workers comp imnmiuty from lawsuit; Workers Comp is legalized fraud; Medical Racketeering designed to deny medical aid for work injuries; Anyone with significant work injuries and insurance interests is denied medical tests to diagnose their injury; In 2003 workers comp STARVED ME BACK TO WORK UNDIAGNOSED against my physicians requests for an expedited appointment to the specialist and discounted his warnings that sending me back to work was UNSAFE;
Princess BIASED and LIARS; Why does Government give workers comp imnmiuty from lawsuit; Workers Comp is legalized fraud; Medical Racketeering designed to deny medical aid for work injuries; Anyone with significant work injuries and insurance interests is denied medical tests to diagnose their injury; In 2003 workers comp STARVED ME BACK TO WORK UNDIAGNOSED against my physicians requests for an expedited appointment to the specialist and discounted his warnings that sending me back to work was UNSAFE;