I think the blanket idea is fabulous! Wish I'd thought of that myself - will you be buying/borrowing local wool? and are you going to chose national colours of where you are?
Can't wait to see the finished product!
Have a great time in NZ (but you don't need telling) - make sure you go to the bay of islands, and White Island (if you want to see a live volcano!).
Yours enviously,
Louise Merry
Hey Julie!
Have a wonderful time, i'm looking forward to reading your tales of worldwide shenanigans! Is the globe ready for blanket quest 2008?!
Angela Galley
Hi Jules
Just wanted to say 'welcome to NZ', even tho I'm here and you're there!
I hope you have a wonderful time there. I'm sure you will. The country is beautiful and the locals are some of the friendliest in the world.
I have some friends who now live in Blenheim (Marlbourgh, South Island). There always keen to see friendly faces from home, so if you fancy calling in for a cuppa (or more likely several large glasses of wine) let me know and I'll get their details to you. They may be going overseas sometime this year tho as she needs a hip replacement (surely I'm not that old that friends have to have joints replaced?!)
Have fun!
Looking forward to reading your tales of daring doo (Is that how you spell it?!) and adventure.
Lots of love, Angela xx
Jane Valsler
Hi Julie
We're off to Egypt on Wednesday - can't wait!
So before you go away, just thought I'd say hope you have a fantastic time & keep in touch.
See you in 2009!!!
Take care, lots of love from Jane (& Sam) (& Brutus and Willow!) XXX
Anne Kingston
Elo gorgeous, hope you have wonderful experiences, meet lovely people and keep in touch! Enjoy x