Part 15: Drama at Hong Kong International.....
The next day it was time to head to the Airport to catch my early evening flight back to Manila.
I arrived at Hong Kong international airport a little later than I would have liked, but with just about an hour and a half till my 19.15 flight, I thought it would just about be enough time.
It was a huge airport and all the check in desks were in alphabetical order in one freakishly long row. When I found the the Cebu Pacific counter on row C there was no line, so it seemed straight forward as far as I was concerned.
With no idea at the drama that was about to unfold, the lady at the counter politely smiled.
'Passport and ticket please sir'
Handing her my documents she paused for a moment, and asked
'Where is your next destination after Manila sir?'
'Errr, not sure yet, I haven't decided' I politely replied.
She then proceeded to tell me that unless I had a forwarding flight out of the Philippines, I would not be allowed to board the plane to Manila.
'What?' I snapped.
She just repeated the sentence.
Basically what that meant was unless I booked a flight out of Manila in the next 45 minutes, after which the check in gate would close, not only would I miss my flight tonight, but they would not let me re-enter the Philippines.
It was to ensure you did not stay in the country beyond the 3 week travel Visa, and painfully it something I was not aware of.
I had to make a quick decision, rearrange all my plans and think of a destination to travel to, and fast.
But how would I book it?
She advised me to go to row T and book a forwarding flight out of the Philippines over the counter - about a 5 minute brisk walk away.
So I legged it there with my heavy backpack, and joined a short line before I said the first destination that popped in my head.
'Can I book a return flight from Manilla to...errrr, Singapore in 3 weeks please!!'
(To this day I had no idea why I chose Singapore but at least it was a safe destination)
'No sir, you need to go to row C'
(The area where I was just sent from)
'What!!!!...You are kidding me?' I gasped.
Since I did not have the time to argue, I ran back to row C, where a different check in assistant was waiting.
By now, sweating, and out of breath I asked her if I could book a return ticket to Singapore from Manila in 3 weeks.
'Sorry sir, we don't do over the counter bookings here. You have to go to row T'
This was really beginning to stress me out. If I missed my flight tonight, I would have to purchase another one the next day, which at short notice,would have cost an absolute fortune, as well as a forwarding return ticket out of Manila and find accommodation tonight too. It would have blown my travel budget.
As much as I wanted to argue and shout, it was not going to get me anywhere, so I had to think fast.
I asked for Wifi and the she directed me back to row T of all places where there was a free airport wifi zone.
Without wasting anymore time, majorly stressed out, and with the clock ticking, I ran back to row T.
My Tshirt was soaked in sweat by now, and I was beginning to really panic.
When I got there I immediately hooked up to the Airport Wifi on my trusty iPhone and went onto the Cebu Pacific website.
With time against me I was typing furiously on my phone to book a flight as quickly as I could, making several mistakes filling in the details - the wifi connection was also painfully slow.
Then when It came to entering my credit card digits my hands were sweating and disaster struck!
For the life of me I could not remember my security code, so I had to reset it.
The timing could not have been any worse for that to happen.
Things were not looking good, the clock was ticking, I was waiting for the password change confirmation and already could not help thinking in the back of mind it was to late. Then finally after what seemed like ages, the code came through, and I entered it quick as I could with shaking hands, but not before making even more mistakes.
It only allows you 3 attempts before locking me out.
At last, after really composing myself, I typed it in correctly on my last go.
The flight confirmation to Singapore came through to my Gmail account.
I then immediately ran as fast as I could back to the check in desk - when I reached, the girl asked to see my confirmation, resisting the temptation to be sarcastic, I just showed her the confirmation email on my iphone.
'Sorry sir I need a photocopy of the ticket....' she said.
'What! are you serious?' I replied.
She was like a robot following strict protocol. Trying to reason with her was pointless and a complete waste of time!! As it stood right now, she would still not let me on the flight unless I got the ticket photocopied - explaining to me I could get a photocopy from the Cebu pacific office counter, on row T
'Oh you have got to be f***ing kidding me!!!!!' I shouted
There was literally minutes left till they closed the counter and I had to run back to row T...again!!!! to get the copy!! I left my backpack with them and sprinted there yet again.
There was a line and I pleaded with the people there to let me go first which they did thankfully.
I got the photocopy and once again, ran back to the check in desk, for hopefully the final time.
Then at long last, finally - the staff were satisfied, and let me proceed, literally closing the check in desk seconds after.
She issued me with a boarding pass, resisting all temptation to hurl abuse at them was hard so I just went on my way.
Hoping that the drama was now over, I wasted no more time in making my way to departures as there was less than 35 mins till my plane left. They checked my hand luggage and let me through easy enough.
Then more drama as the line at immigration was really long!!! I noticed the officer at the desk was nonchalant, disinterested and really slow..
Great!! This was the last thing I needed.
And if things were not bad enough, I found out my boarding gate was the furthest one away and was a 10 min terminal train ride!
After all the fiasco at the check in desk, It was still touch and go if I would make the flight.
The line was moving really slow, but just as I was approaching the desk a large group of Taiwanese people jumped the line, pushing in front of everyone. It was causing a right fiasco as they were panicking about missing their flight from what I could gather.
I complained to the officer, so did an Australian woman who was just in front of me.
All hell broke loose as Airport security were called in to deal with the fracas.B To be honest, it was not looking good.
I still had to get through immigrations and then get my terminal train to the boarding gate.
My stress levels were increasing and I could not help shouting at the immigration officer. Of course he deliberately took his time when I finally reached the desk, scrutinising every last detail of my documentation.
Looking at me, then my passport over again, like it was fake!!
Ignoring the fact that I'd already been through several check points to get here, and clearly seeing on my boarding card how little time I had left.
Anyway, the nonchalant officer seemed to reluctantly let me pass through.
I snatched my documents back from him, gave him an almighty dirty look,
coupled with a sarcastic smile and ran for my life to the train terminal.
My heart was racing and when I looked up at the screens, there were 3 trains.
I did not have a clue which one I had to get, it was really confusing.
As I was contemplating which one to get, the doors hissed and quickly closed before speeding off with out me.
'OH FOR F**Ks SAKE!!!!' I shouted to myself.
Last year in Rome with my sister, I had a bad experience, almost missing my connecting flight there - it was nothing compared to this!!
Not even bothering to look at the time because by now, after all that drama, I was sure it was to late.
The next train arrived and I leapt on to it anyway, pushing past several disgruntled passengers - I did not care.
Oh why was Hong Kong airport so freakishly huge?!? and It seemed like this was the worlds slowest train, I am certain I could have walked there quicker, even though I was exhausted and my mouth was dryer than a desert.
Anyway, the 1mph train pulled up at the boarding zone.
It would have been too much to hope that my gate was there in front of me....but no, that would have been far to easy, it was still a bit of a walk!
Barely summoning up enough energy, I ran to the gate preying, it wasn't to late.
Hallelujah!!!! It was still open - just!
They lectured me 'where have you been'
'Do not even go there!!!' I fumed.
Out of breath, pouring with sweat, stressed, heart racing, on the verge of collapsing, by the skin of my teeth, and the very last person on the plane....somehow, I made it!
This was harder than my mountain trek.
And just for the record; I was squashed between 2 big guys with body hygiene that left a lot to be desired, a couple in front with reclined seats, a baby with the worlds highest pitched scream, bad turbulence and a neurotic guy who kept screaming 'get me off the plane!!!!' for the whole journey.
I did not care, It was still the best flight I ever had.....
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