Hi everyone, glad you like the blog - hope everyone at home is ok!
So on Saturday we set off from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi. We had a bit of a nightmare in the taxi trying to find Thonburi Station where we got the train from. The taxi driver didn't speak or understand English, so after making various train noises and actions (think chooo chooo noises), we finally showed him a picture of a train and everything turned out ok. The train was third class, which was actually surprisingly comfortable - better than some of the trains in the UK - no air con though but the windows opened. We saw some interesting sites on the way including a c*** fight! When we got to Kanchanaburi a pickup truck/bus thing took us to a guest house, we went for the cheap room for £10 - after we both declared that the room was ok in front of the owner, we both started slating it once the owner had left! (We later noticed mouse poo in the bathroom) - needless to say we upgraded the room the next day.
After upgrading the room we hired a moped (Honda F1 125i), which was ridiculously cheap for the two days (and fast). We visited the Jeath War Museum - which told the story of the prisoners of war building the Death Railway and the Bridge over the River Kwai. Josh took some bomb shells out of a smashed glass cabinet for an excellent photo opportunity. We then went for a walk over the bridge, the sun had showed it's face and was blisteringly hot (so consisted of Christina moaning), it was full of tourists but a great memorial to the prisoners of war that built it. On the way back we paid our respects at the war cemetery.
On the Monday we rode to the Erawan Waterfalls, which turned out to be quite a long way (67km each way), which was hard going on a scooter particularly when butterflies kept committing suicide by flying into us (painful!). The waterfalls were stunning but it started raining as soon as we got there - it made no difference though as we were swimming in the waterfalls anyway. It was weird swimming with so many fish - they kept coming up to nibble on us as we swam - which tickled. We saw four out of the seven waterfalls - partly because the track we were following turned into jungle and we weren't sure where we were going, we were also pretty shrivelled up from being so wet! It was still raining as we started to ride back, the rain was so painful it felt like we were constantly being shot by BB guns and stung by wasps simultaneously. Luckily it stopped soon into the ride.
Yesterday we got a minibus back to Bangkok, where we got a sleeper train to Chiang Mai. As we left it until the day to book, we had to go in second class, which was still air conditioned and very nice. We had two chairs opposite each other which folded out into a bed, and a bunk bed that folded down from above. We decided it was an excellent idea to open the vodka we got from the duty free to act as a sleeping aid. Several drinks later, we ended up in the restaurant carriage which had turned into a party carriage (complete with disco ball and cheesy music). We returned back to our seats, which had been made up into the bed for us and tried to sleep (which Josh managed but Christina didn't). Needless to say, today we found that drinks were a stupid idea as we were both hung-over. We've got to a hotel in Chiang Mai but haven't left the room apart from to get a McDonalds!
Speak to you all soon, LOTS OF LOVE xxxx
- comments
Dad/Tone Hi Both It sounds like an epic adventure. Well done for describing everything so well. I can never tell which of you is writing. The hotel sounds pricey at £10 for a basic room! You're not missing anything in the UK weather wise. Its been warmish today and muggy, but not what you'd call summer. Love to you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aunty Jayne Oh to be out there being adventurous, so you have already travelled by plane, tuk tuk, train, bike so are the elephants to come in Chang Mai. as which class you travel in makes interesting read as they all differ but at least your jouneys wont be the same... Enjoy chang Mai xxxxxx
Lauren Carroll I love this, sounds like you're having an amazing time...miss you both lots, you're not missing anything here. Love you xxx
Dad Keith Great Update both, Nice to see you exploring on 2 wheels (its the only way to feel the environment as well as look at it lol) Can't wait for the next instalment, love you x
Simon Glad to see you are getting on OK, sounds much more exciting than Digbeth !! enjoy Simon
Christina Thanks everyone, having a brilliant time so far - hope you are all ok!! xxx