Ok So I am now in Luang Nam Tha which is in Northern Laos, and I am currently very sore and stiff and walking around like an old man... but more about that later.
After Luang Prabang, I took a bus, or atleast I was hoping to take a bus to Nong Khiaw as I previously mentioned. Maybe it was me naivity (still can't spell) or maybe I had been spoilt so far by my methods of transportation, but when I arrived at the station I was directed to this big open-aired truck, kind of like a big Tuk Tuk. It is fair to say that 4 hours travelling in a reasonably cold climate wearing nothing more than a t-shirt, certainly was not sufficient. I was bloody freezing, and felt a little foolish as everyone else including a few tourists were all wearing thick winter clothing. oh well! Amazingly I did not catch a cold.
So I spent a couple of days in Nong Khiaw which on first impressions was a bit of a weird place and had very little aesthetic (i am going to stop trying to spell big words) appeal, however the surrounding area was really scenic and I enjoyed a couple of long walks and a couple of days just chilling. So all was good!
After this, I actually got on a bus (to my relief), to Udomaxi, which was a bit of a hole to be honest, with nothing really to see or do. However as it is the main transport hub, it was an unavoidable one nights stop. However, I actually found my $3 room stretching as far as a en-suite bathroom with hot water and even a TV, all of which are luxuaries, I have been without for a while!
So this leaves me onto Luang Nam Tha, which is a little town surrounded by this massive national park, and is the ideal place to do some trekking. I was relieved to find out that I timed my trip here perfectly, as there was a 3-day trek the next day, so I signed up!
My group consisted of me, two local guides and an Australian family of 4. The parents were absolutely lovely and I very much enjoyed spending my three days with them chatting and enjoying the experience, which afterall was why we were there! However their children... oh my god were so annoying, there was Suzie a 16 year old spoilt princess how still despite her years stamped her foot when she did not get her own way, and Leon arguably the most annoying child I have ever met!
Anyway I am drifting off the subject, so the trek involved a very steep 4 hour climb on the first day, which was very beautiful, despite constant whines fro SP. We arrived in this tiny village made out of huts which was really cool, although it did resemble some kind of animal farm. This of course to the Ozzies was great, however for me I was kind of walking around on edge, battling with my fears and trying to decide which animal I feared the most.... this included amongst other things; barking rabied dogs, chickens, goats, pigs, horses and of course lots of angry cows!
On the second day, we had a long days trekking (about 8 hours), the wines from SP seemed to somehow get loader overnight! I however was loving it, the walk was stunning.. up and down these beautiful valleys and over streams and I was just trying to focus on that rather than get annoyed by the brats! We eventually arrived in another village, which instantly was more my cup of tea, partly as there was far less animals! So I was able to probably unwind, enjoyed playing a game of Rattonball (cross between volleyball and keepie-uppie over a net) and even drinking Lao Lao (Rice Whiskey) with the locals! It was so cool and it certainly brings home how we take the simplest things for granted - I know this sounds like such a cliche, but it does!!!!
So on the 3rd day my legs were beginning to age, but somehow managed to keep myself going for the final day. Although the lack of sleeping and the lack of a wash seemed to irratate everyone, and by the end I was so relieved to wave goodbye to the family as by then my patience over the brats had pretty much worn out! I was so relieved to go to dinner alone that evenning and stuff my face with western food, as for 3 days straight i had eaten boiled Chicken, rice and beans for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
So that leaves me onto today, which I have spent relaxing and really doing very little! Tommorrow I will be getting on a bus for a 10 hour bumpy ride to the Thai border and I will be quite sad to leave Laos. I have had an amazing 3 weeks here, and I strongly recommend this country to anyone considering a visit.
Right, I have rambled on for far too long. I now will attempt to load more photos.
I hope everyone is ok.
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