Jonny, good to have some updates to read and look at. Beats work anyway. Enjoy Fiji, make sure it's you eating the sharks rather than the other way round.
Hello mate thought I would leave you a message to say hello :P. hope all is going well for you remember I want you to bring me a ping pong ball back ;) take it easy dude cya soon
YOU'RE ALIVE!!!! was starting to worry you may have got lost! sounds awesome...its all rock and roll here x keep flyin! x
Hey Jonny,
Didn't want to feel left out so here's a little message from moi. Really does sound like you're having a great time - I'm very jealous! Sadly don't have any exciting stories to tell/haven't seen any famous people but I am hopefully going up to Leeds this weekend, yay! I'll think of you as I'm living it up in Leeds - I may even pop into Bondi for a cocktail or two :o) Hope you're still having lots of fun - Watford is not the same without you! Take great care x
Sounds like your having a fabuloso time hope you keep it up, as for staying in for a few nights to relax..what the hell are you doing your not in watford now me laddy!!!!! Anyways nothing great to report here and its blatently not as interesting as what your doing so I wont even bother!
Live it up son, sooner or latwer you'll be back in boring arse watford doing what us folk call making a living, live the dream baby!!!
Mike & Marion
Howde fella! Well, I am officially envious...MaRiOn is too (though she spent her 1st youth whoring around in the Bahamas). Sounds like you are having a really good time and getting to know the land of opportunity...better than the land of troglodites, bum-holios and fat tarts that is Watford! Saturday binge-drinking fest aint the same without, whose round is it?! Will write again soon mate. Have a good one.. were you in Hollywood for the Oscars? tell me all. U aint missin much in the fact that Ellie is preggers, Nath is joining the circus, Brad is running away to become a fulltime Russian Lesbian, dear old Dicky Evans is to be Britney's new stunt double, James IS the NEW face for thrush cream and that Francois REALLY did eat elvis!..(or could be)..keep smiling, speak later.
Mike & Marion
Andy Clews
Jonny, we're sorry, won't you come on h-home (as the fine young cannibals once sang).
Well, rather than coming home can you update your sight with more stories of the craziness you've been up to.
Hope San Fransisco is treating you well and you are enjoying the bay. Resist the temptation to be an engineer and go and look at bridges. Remember - you're a banker now. Stay out of trouble and wash your pants. Frequently.
Andy C
Jonny - need an Oscar update....did you get to crash any showbiz parties?
Andy C
It was a Gerrad own goal which made it go into extra time. Riise scored a great goal after a minute to give Liv the lead.
Brad Ausden
Yo Jonny, glad things are going well, assuming the 'blur' is a good thing! Beats working 8-5 in the freezing cold, make the most of it! Everyones cool back at home, take care, Brad..... PS Fraid Liverpool lost the final 3-2 after extra time :(