just a quick update for u guys while iv found a computer that actually works for once!!
off to bed in a sec as have to be up early to catch a flight down south to Guilin, and to make it worse im feeling really ill...just a stupid cold!
Had a nice two days here in Xian, the train down was cool as we had a nice bunk to lay in and actually got some sleep!yay!
The hostel we are staying in herehas a great lounge and bar area ...and it has 2 cute little puppies living in it! (although i think they need a little more walking as we have begun to notice they keep peeing on the floor near us!!) but the dorms a bit like a school store room or something! with dirty stone flooring, and a door with a big piece of frosted glass in it... and its freezing!! Were sharing with two really nice english girls though so thats fun! and least the beds are clean!
Yesterday took a walk around the local area and ended up in an area i could only refer to as "s*** alley" sorry people...but it bloody stank and i even saw raw sewage sitting on the side of the road!! and the whole area had animals hanging up nd meat being cut up in these garages ...where cinhese people were actually closing to eat! yuk it was so was disgusting!! also in the same area there were loads of little birds in cages along the road (im guessing for sale!) but so bizzar, they seemed obsessed! we even have some here in the hostel hanging up in the hallways!
There isnt that much here to see apart form the terracotta warriors which we visited today! was a good day, went with the two english girls we have met, we took a two hour bus ride there and saw the site, was amazing to see, but we were all a little sceptical as to if the warriors were really found as they say they were as its obvious that there has been so much reconstruction to them!
Was a good day apart from feeling ill!
Hoping the flight tomorrow will be enjoyable!! and we are looking forward to the (apparently) gorgeous scenery down south!
Promise the pics will soon be arriving!!! soooooo annoying!!
talk soon!!
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