Yeah the Lion was so close it was immense!! I'm about to book a flight for Namibia, probably for Weds or Thurs - no sign of the visa yet though! I'm told I don't even need one anyway so not quite sure why they made me get one :-S
I have drunk so much Jaigermeister in the last four weeks I am virtually immune to it!! When I was in Coffee Bay I had eight shots of it between 4pm and 5pm whilst playing pool but I felt stone cold sober! My pool playing skills improved considerably though.
I puked last night though!! I made the error of not doing cheers with EVERYONE before drinking my shot of Jaiger and as a result had to do a penalty shot. It was a lethal mixture of about 7-8 spirits plus some red wine... it was foul! I tried desperately to keep it down but to no avail and puked in the hostel courtyard. Got some good pics of me cleaning it up afterwards though!
The problem with the Withington charm is it only really makes an appearance when I'm wasted and so I can't remember how I did it!!!! I wish I knew!! lol
Come on Abbie get out and enjoy yourself... either that or book a flight to Australia!!
Take care.
John x
Just read your latest blog....and an old saying passed down from grandad Ed to me to you..."fill yeah boots!" take care and lul x
Glad you're okay & still having fun. The pic of the lion you sent me was amazing, I've been showing everyone!
When are you off to Namibia? Did you get your Visa through yet?
Sounds like you've been a party animal since you've been away! Look forward to hearing all about you pulling out the Withington charm! Haha.
Still very jealous. It's raining and boring in England, again I will be spending my Saturday night watching X Factor - how's that for rock and roll!? Haha.
Much love, stay safe.
How's things?
At the time I was really sad to leave Cape Town. It was raining all day too and for the first time I felt a bit lonely. It doesn't take long to make new friends though (see latest blog) so I am okay!
Iceland sounds cool! Shame about the Northern lights but it's an excuse to go back! I'm storing up lots of excuses to come back here! The World Cup next year is a pretty good one...
I hope all is well. I'm still working on the small gift challenge, watch this space...
Speak soon.
John x
Me again!
Hope the weather is better today and you get to go to 'Seal Island'. You sound sad to leave Cape Town behind, but don't worry I'm sure you'll meet lots more new friends as you go along.
I have just returned from Iceland (had a great time, but have come back with a cold, boo). We done some whale watching! Saw lots of dolphins & minke whales - all very exciting. No sign of the elusive Nortern Lights though, it was too cloudy. Expect pics on FB soon if you get a chance to look.
Write back soon & stay safe.
I miss you all - A LOT!!
The Withington Wine is a non-starter unfortunately!
Love John x
Ooopss!!! bloody thing x
Mum & Dad
Forgot to say...We love you John and stay safe xxxxx
Mum & Dad
Hi John,
We are glad your having a great time and you are keeping well. How many bottles of Withington wine can we expect delivered? Sorry I missed your phone call the other day....Its quiet around here and the meal service is not up to scratch since you have been
Hey Abbie/Sian,
Yeah i am having a great time!! I'm going to move on from Cape Town on Saturday though and work my way down the garden route - my next stop is Hermanus which has a excellent whale watching opporunities from the shore there.
The shark diving was IMMENSE!!!
Sian, I hope the engagement party went well.
Check out the link I added to my facebook yesterday!!
Miss you both!
John x
Sian Roney
You sound like you are having such an amazing time and i am very very jelous.
Glad you are well though
Take care
Sian xx
I like the way this is fast becoming my own personal message board. :)
Glad you're still alive and well, although it sounds like you might be an alcoholic by the time you get back!
Cave diving with the sharks sounds amazing and I am highly jealous.