After leaving Melbourne on the 19th March we had this idea that we were going to be able to drive to Sydney without a worry in the world.. Little did we know the meaning of distance really does exsist and that doesn't mean a trip to Cornwall on the weekend.. After driving for 8 hours on that day we knew that the waters of Sydney were not going to be reached in one day so.. we decided to find a caravan park to rest our weary wheels and heads...I had been looking through my BIG4 best campa spots and had found a lovely spot on the lake but it was 13KM back fro the way we had come and John didn't want to go back on himself.. which I can well understand now...just not at the time.. So out into the 'BUSH' we drove.. into the nothingness that we had just come from.. John proceeds to find a Park called 'The Great Aussie Holiday' or something like that!! We proceeded to drive into the middle of know where and all I could think about was Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Wolf Creek.. Tha's a horror film about the Aussie outback.. see it if you dare!!! Our trip was just like that!!!! We met the strangest of characters in the little towns that we stopped in.. all toilets I may add have a sanitary bin and a special metalic sealed syring disposer.. NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats everywhere through the southern outback.. still haven't quite worked that out yet..Anyway.. no point in dwelling.. Moral of the story is ..stay well aware from hicksville towns in Southern Australia..Campa Park however did turn out to be ok.. John was slightly paranoid though as he knew we were getting closer and closer to the dreaded..................FUNNELWEB SPIDER territory.. So for the past 4 dayas now John has been on high alert..HIGHLY ammusing ...Bless him.. Funnelwebs are the most dangerous spiders in Australia and they are only found in and aroud Sydney BUT are very rare... Ahhhhhhhhhhh.... We eventually arrived in Sydney the following day.. in our liitle ole Campa.. Lost Lost Lost!! We eventually got over the Sydney Harbour Bridge (which was lovely to drive over) and then we just had to stop.. The Campa Park we were staying in in Sydney was just NOT on the map.. I looked and I looked and I looked and I just couldn't find it!! We eventually (after 2 hours of driving around) resorted to driving into a Golf Club and asking a very drunk aussie bloke where we were and how we could get to where we wanted to go....We got an invite to house for a beer and then finally the direction stop the camp site.. what a nice aussie bloke he was (Wolf Creek)!!!!!!
After having 3 full days in Sydney doing the harbour, the zoo and other bits and bobs we decided it was time to move on to the beautiful Blue Mountains.. Again due to our lack of a good map it took us some time to find the camp site but once there it was absolutely stunning.. The most amazing parrots flying around the van and just a general feeling of peace.. We went on the worls steepest train.. SCARY but fun and we also did a long walk through part of the mountains . In the evening we went to the cinema in Katoomba and watched a great film on the Blue Mountains on a 6 storey high sreen..amazing again!!After 2 days we went onward to Coffs Harbour but unfortunately we couldn't get to see Johns relis as we had problems with a flight that we had to get sorted in Brisbain which is where I write this from now..Brisbain will be the next entry's a hot one here and John and I are in a lovely campsite just south of Surfers paradise and it's a hot one..we are as we speak lazing by a very beautiful pool surrounded by the largest palm trees you have hxave ever seenx x
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