Hello everyone!
well i have been away for a week now so i thought i should tell u a bit of whats been happening!
we started last week in delhi which was big and busy and very confronting. our first hotel was in the middle of the main bazaar and so our first morning we were greeted by hundreds of people talking to us, selling things to us, horns beeping, richshaws and motorbikes skimming past and of course cows and dogs everywhere!! in the first few days, after failing to get rickshaws to take us anywhere other than shops we got a little tour round delhi, which tho massive contains very little to see other than the insane traffic- how so many cars, rickshaws, motorbikes and people manage to all travel in the roads without having accidents every few feet is beyond me. on saturday tho we joined our gap tour up to nepal, and tho we had begun to find out feet we were happy to meet the group and the be heading out of delhi on the sunday.
we headed to jaipur on the 6.05 train and in the train station was our biggest confrontation so far with the real poverty that is in india, the number of people sleeping there and along the tracks was astounding. We got into jaipur at lunch and headed straight out to view the pink city. i immediately fell in love with jaipur simply because it was not delhi! :) we stayed at a beautiful hotel with a lovely front lawn and were greeted with glasses of mango juice, and the city itself, with wide streets and nice architecture is instantly more appealing. after touring palaces and the most impressive palace like fort ive ever seen -the amber fort which is full of intricated carvings and inlay craftsmanship, and incredibleinginuity in its systems of airconditioning- we headed off to agra!!
agra itself is nothing much to speak of, but we went to visit the agra fort, which again should be called a palace, tho we couldnt actually see 75% of it because it was being used by the indian army, so guess fort is appropriate. Bu the real highlight of the day was the taj mahal. it is an image i have seen so often that i thought thati had almost been there done that, but it really does take ur beath away. it is majestic in its simpicity and symmetry. breathtaking in its size and grandure, and the coulours of the marble as the sun sats on it is unbelievable. and it that is not enough when up close, the intricacy of the work of the inlay and carving, all so perfect, add to create an effect that is altogether astounding. we say half way down the lawns just watching the sun on it and even though there were hundreds of people milling around us it was peaceful with the warmth and the clear blue sky enveloping you.
from there we headed this morning for orchha and peace and quite and a pool and the sun! we again have watched the sun set over incredible buildings, but mainly read and swan and sunbathed in the most beautiful surroundings- it has been paradise!!
from these descriptions india has been a dream, an to be honest i am quite taken with it, the natural beauty, he man made beauty and the friendlyness of the people, but we have had our difficulties and amusements. there were a few rip offs in delhi as to be expected, and driving through the manic streets on our way to the lotus temple listening to barbie girl has got to be one of the most surreal moments, but altogether, we are doing well, enjoying ourselves and looking forward to going to varenassi, and then on to nepal!!
hope all is good in the u.k. be in touch soon!!!
x x x x x x
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