sounds great joe glad you have met some nice people to share your travels. keep blogs comin take care
Laos sounds fantastic Joe, I cant wait to see your photographs when you come home.
All is well here
love you lots
Take care
Mum xxxx
keep up the traveling joe
much luv sam
hugs n kisses hav u been called cute yet ???????
good to speak to you 2day bud enjoy loas as i am sure you will
much love
Auntie Pauline
Hi joe your adventure sounds exciting and brill. keep blogs coming. Take Care
joesph sounds like you are having a good/interesting time!!
all is good in sunny yorkshire, mother and father came up on friday and we went for a few shandy lollipops and a thai!! top dollar
any way i look forward to the next blog
much love
big bro
oops sorry joe dont know how i managed to send that message twice!! am abit useless with computers..will stick to texting i think! xxx
wow joe what can I all sounds amazing. keep the blogs coming joe, we luv em!
take care lots of love
auntie heather and uncle mike xx
wow joe what can I all sounds amazing. keep the blogs coming joe, we luv em!
take care lots of love
auntie heather and uncle mike xx
Hi joe,
Sounds like you are having a great adventure and learning so much. I am really jealous and very proud of you. Grandad sends his love. We went to see Liam last night and took him to a Tai Restaurant and raised our glasses to you. Take care We will speak soon love mumxxx
Hi Joe
How are you? Have you had a wash and brushed your teeth???
(only Joking) Look forward to hearing about Cambodia, I cant imagine what it is like. Has it stopped raining yet.? Have you left Mike behind in Ko Chang? make the most of every minute
love you lots
Lorna Simon Alex
Hi there hope you are ok sounds as if you are havn a gud time sams pot is off now take care and look after yourself