OMG IM IN SYDNEYYYYY!!! i think this is when you relsie your are in Oz!! its everything you exect it to be and more!!we arrived late to out hostel but desdied to go for leaving meal and drinks with our tour group but as always a meal turns in to a few drinks which turns on to a messy night out in SYDENY BABY!!lol
so after the first night i woke up wanting to explore so i got up and went out for a walk down the the harbour bridge and opera house!!walking up and seeing them both together is amzing, really does have a sureal feeling about it!!i think i have 1000 pictures of the bridge and opera house!i preety much spent the whoile day at the harbour and walking round the botanitcal gardens as it was such a sunny day!int he eve we went for food at the AUstralia hpotel wehre a few pof them tryed crocodile an dkangroo!!i condt bring myself to eat skippy tho!!lol
the next few days were just spent exploring the many things to do in sydney!we walked the harbour bridge at night!went to a ozzie rules footie game!took ahi;le to pick up the rules but i manged it!!we also caught the ferry over to Mnley beach were we went on a 9km hike!lol me hiking werid i no but its so much fun!although nick and will are begining to treat me like one of the lads lol!!
tomorrow im leaving sydney!!sad times!!i love it here!there is so much to do, so much culture and just evrything you ever expected sydney to be!!
sorry the blogs have been short i have had to rush them!!im off surfing tommorw so will let you all no how that goes!!im having so much fun here defently the best desion i ever MADE!!met the best group of people and tryed and done things i never thought i could do!!
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