Hello everybody. We are currently in Cairns. Will start form the last blog and try not to muiss too much out!!
Think we finished with Fraser Island. Forgot to say on that one that we saw humpback Whales. Think there were 2 but through our super dooper bonoculars it still wan't that clear. Also saw lots of dolphins and massive stingryas.
After Fraser Island we continued north to Airlie beech where we sailed the Whitsundays from. We spent some time at the Lagoon before we went sailing and chilled out. Airlie beach was really nice. Lots of young people and lots of bars and restaurants. We spent 2 days on the sailing boat. Had a really good group of 11 of us. Made really good friends with a couole of them who we have met again a few times and we have got a crazy Dutch coming to Glastonbury (love you really Dianne). sailing was good fun apart from getting very very wet on the way out. We were not expecting to go so fast so G & I sat at the front and just got splashed with water for the 45 minute journey. COLD. Once we got to our first stop we had lunch and did some snorkling on the Great Barrier Reef. Saw some beautiful fish but i idn't stay in too long as i got a bit scared!!!!!! G was fine. We had full on stinger suits on because on the jelly fish (sexy). We did some stop off and beautiful beaches with white sands and had a really good laugh. Got some amazing picture which we will put on very soon. George- helped with some of the sailing. Harder work than her thought- think i've convinced him of the Sunseaker rather than a sailing boat- . Tom it's your job to work on Lucy.
We then went to Bagal Beach for a couple days. There was nothing there except a beach and camping. Had some very relaxing days with G fishing and me just readying my book. Met some really nice people - most Aussies who are retiired and travelling their country. George caught a big Bream which he gutted etc and I filleted and we cooked for tea. Very tasty. He had to be careful not be eaten by a croc as they are in all the waters up here!!!!!
We carried on to Mission Beach where we met up with Alberto & Dianne. Was raining most of the day so we sat in a cafe and had a massive card tourmament- of s*** head. G lost!!!! We then bumped into some others we went sailing with and all went for a walk along the beach. One German couple climbed a coconut tree and knocked us off a coconut. It took us ages but we eventually got into it ans drank the milk & ate the coconut. Was a fun day.
And now we are in cairns. cannot beleive we have driven all this way. It is beautiful weather up here. Very tropical and nice and warm. We spent some time with D & A again and went to the cinema with them and had a BBQ. We managed to sell the van within 24 hours of being here and made a deal on a price so we could keep the car for 5 days to drive up to Port douglas. We drove up to daintree natual Park and did a river curise along the daintree river spotting cooc;s. snakes and frogs. Saw about 5 crocs. 2 so sos so big Scarface and fat Albert- fight each other apparently. We carried on to Cape tribulation and drove and walked through some beautiful rainforests and beachs. Very glad we went up that far. Came back and spent the night in Port Douglas and the following day on the beach there. Very touristy there but really nice. Beach was busy as was the town. very posh with lots of hotels and nice restaurants.
Back to Cairnes now where we exchanges the van (we miss her!!!) Now just chilling out. There is no beach here but there is a lagoon so spending soem time there and been to the botanical gardens.
Leave on 22nd july to Singapore for 2 days and then to Cambodia. very excited about a chang of culture.
For those who don't know were are coming back to Sydney In Jan for 10 weeks so now home on 16th march,. So who ever has the biggest bar of Dairy Milk- see you at the airport.
Lots of love yto all and put pictures on soon xxxxxxxx
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