Kay G / October 19, 2011 If you can get a consolidation loan from a bank that might be a very good way to go iedend. But above all, don't let yourself get trapped into any of the debt elimination or debt consolidation scams Also do not pay anyone to fix you credit for you. It is very easy to do that for yourself and paying to fix your credit will only divert money you should be using to pay down your current debts. If you are going to attempt to fix your credit do it yourself. You will do a better job of it all by yourself.If you send disputes to the credit bureaus then do not use any of the letters you can find all over the internet. The credit bureaus have seen them all and they will only hurt your efforts. Just make up your own. It's not hard to do but don't put in any of the legal jargon to be found on the internet. That's not necessary and will only hurt you. Plain and simple is the best.
Priyaa Kay G / October 19, 2011 If you can get a consolidation loan from a bank that might be a very good way to go iedend. But above all, don't let yourself get trapped into any of the debt elimination or debt consolidation scams Also do not pay anyone to fix you credit for you. It is very easy to do that for yourself and paying to fix your credit will only divert money you should be using to pay down your current debts. If you are going to attempt to fix your credit do it yourself. You will do a better job of it all by yourself.If you send disputes to the credit bureaus then do not use any of the letters you can find all over the internet. The credit bureaus have seen them all and they will only hurt your efforts. Just make up your own. It's not hard to do but don't put in any of the legal jargon to be found on the internet. That's not necessary and will only hurt you. Plain and simple is the best.