Arnt you a clever girl. Ive always womdered if i coulddo a bungy jump or if i would bottle it but havnt tested myself YET. Vharlie is doing well slowly but well Take care have fun xx
Crig i cant believe you bottled it and Jo did it! You need to man up ha!
Andy Early
hey guys
Glad ur having the time of ur lives, craig cant believe u didnt do the bungee jump,you big wuss!!! good on u jo!!!!
Take care and be safe
wendy x
The Nevis.... no way! not for me at all!
Jo did the other A J Hackett one on Friday (the original NZ one). I just sat back on the viewing platform and watched the madness!
hiya Guys!
Your pictures are so funny! Looks amazing though! I'm so jelous! miss you guys
Sarah xx
Mark Robinson
Crog. looks like you are having a good trip.
I am glad you have had a canter now.
Cheers pal
'Craig even had his first canter!!'
Couldnt stop laughing at that crig!
Looks good though now i want to see pics of you doing the Nevis!
amazing pictures of you rafting looked scary in parts your faces in some of them were a picture xx
Jenny Bilton
It looks amazing! x Jen xxx
Emma Smith
Sorry Jo just realised i typed last persons message in name i need a new brain. Have a wickid time xxxx
Emma Smith
Hi sarah Cant believe it has come round so quick! Just wanted to say have a fab time! Hope to catch up with you and here all your tales when you return Take care love emma xxx