hey peeps omg you has seen so many animals already eh it sounds fab well right now the thunder is booming away here lol so weather i can report weather is fab lol millie and stephen got their pictures done yesterday they are lovely millie looks so inncoent haha stephen looks so grown up its scary. Look forward to more blogs guys speak soon xx
hya babe it was great to hear from u both and glad u r feeling better and we just had a look at all ur other pictures they were fab dad said hes happy as larry couldney be happier now that hes seen ur wee faces lol talk to u soon babe and stay safe xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aunty Liz
its 23.13 here on friday nite and i am in bed. its weird coz i dont know wat time it is in africa. so i dont know if you,s are sound asleep, or on a beach, on in a night club just now. wud love to have web cam to see you,s right now xxxxx
Aunty Liz
hi guys. how are you both today. as usual we never one at the bingo but at least we got granny out for a while. she was away to largs with the focal point yesterday and had a great wee day. it all goog at my wee hoos honey. i got the all clear at the hospital on tuesday (well done me ), and christopher got a job on thursday. he starts the 1st of august and he gets a company car. he is well chuffed. just back from lauras wee nite. i came home early coz i was tired. speak to you soon. take care. love yous xxxxxxx
Hey Jibs n Michael hows are we both doin, im sending this to you are the rain is battering my window :( so your not missing much weather wise here lol loving your wee blogs imagine those ugly storks trying to steal your food clearly they dont know your a drumchapel wean haha were celebrating lauras graduation tonight which will be weird without yous there bum sure the booze will help everyone cope haha luv and miss yous both oh and millie and stephen are loving your pics with all the animals int ehm hehe x
hya babe loved ur wee story the wee kids in the school look so sweet i wish u could bring 1 home with u r the wee houses a bit smelly as there is so meny ppl in it can u imagin me in there trying to iron omg that would be a nightmare lol well babe evrybody is ok here wee grannie was asking after u she said she hopes u have a great time love ya loads babe talk to u soon nighty night babe xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aunty Liz
OMG guy,s. your holiday sounds amazin and scarey at the same time. Awww, how cute do the kids sounds and you wee chicken heart, buyin two bracelets to say thankyou. not much happenin here doll. guess wat ? i am on a diet again, you wont know me wen you get home lol. take care guys and i will pop on tomorow and say hi. Ohhh i forgot, exciting things are happenin, we are goin to bingo tonite, hehe love you xxxxxx
Hey guys! I hope your are enjoying yourselves! Im still so jealous that you are away! aha. I had my first day of work after tito today, it was dire and im all sunburnt. Im well proud of sean for passing though. I love your pictures btw. Il write again soon. Stay safe. xx
Captain Awesome
sup doofus.
just thought id give you a wee message to tell ye that when me and dad came back home from being in stirling today i had a letter from college telling me that i passed :) belter!
hya ma lovely wee waine wit u been upty the day dad said u spoke to him n sean on f-book thats fab wish i was there so am just sending u a wee message we have just got a wee cheeky dominoes as sean got good news that he got into uni so hes a happy bunny wich is a reare moment for sean lol everybody is fine here babe hope u n micheal r good hope to hear from u soon babe am still missing u loads love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hya u 2 just leaving a wee good night message everybody here is fine and well every time we turn the comp on there r more pictures i so wish i was there with u lol talk to u soon ma wee babe love ya loads xxx
Katie Barnes
hya babes ur pictures r fab u have packed so much in in just the short time u have been there u both look so well hope u r eating well love u loads talk to u soon xxxxxxxxxxx