Yeah crazy how some of us are working... too bad I missed you! The Dodgers managed to finally win 2 games. Glad you finally got to topless sunbathe and see footy!
hi auntie jessie, i went to m y ballet recital today. i luv u
Locating a Blowdryer on another continent...$40.00
Securing a train ride to Biarritz...$60.00
Navigating the Paris Metro SOLO...$15.00
Speaking French and booking a train ticket to Nice...$75.00
Feeling the pride of navigating your way around the world...PRICELESS!!!
Love you! Be safe
I am so jealous! I'm living vicariously through your vacation. Sounds soooo fun.
Holly Haley
hope you're enjoying the fancy hotel and real shower!!
sounds like you're having a blast!!! can't wait for the next story!
We miss you, and Cafe Fiore happy hour will not be the same with out. But we'll drink one for you, hope you're having fun and having lots of "mexican" food. We'll have to get a big burrito when you get back. I can' believe it's already been two weeks since you've been gone. Well I hope to talk to you soon. Love ya.
Oh smalls...hope all your train and hotel stuff went well. It can be messy this time of year. But still sounds like a blast. But why couldn't you carry 10 bottles around? I mean, that's just sad. :) Take care...and next time try calling my house instead of my cell phone. Silly girl.
Holly Haley
wow, you are having the best adventures! are you taking many pictures?
Jess In Europe
YAY you guys are awesome with all you messages!!!! miss you ( it is a wish you were here miss though) ;)
Thanks for the call today, miss you lots. I'm with Lynda on the tear :( I love your stories, I can't keep the laughs in, and it makes me remember the time that I went, I wish I was there with you. Some day! Muah, much love lady. See you soon.
Ahh I heard your voice on the phone....tear! Miss you! Wish I could afford to come out even for a week.