Gorgeous girly!!! Looks like you are having such a fantastic time. it has brought back loads of happy memories. i love it down at Circular Quay? Did you go to the vodka bar Minus 5? How about the Opera Bar?
I am sorry to hear you may have to cancel your plans for the Whitsundays - who would believe searing heat in the south, floods in the North and snow here?? Its a world gone mad. thankfully it is rather mild here - well double digits anyway!
Its half term WHOOP WHOOP!!! I am doing some girlie things with your Mum on thurs and it will fee strange not to meet up with you afterwards, but I know we will talk and think about you loads. Mummy Kate is missing you loads but she is doing really well so don't worry about her.
I have a new smile!!!! One I am proud to show off, feels really strange but it is one BIG thing to be smiling about as other things been s*** recently--- will keep you posted on that front but I am not having any expectations anymore.
Will check up on your updates regularly. keep the pics coming.
Love you lots, stay safe and HAPPY!!!
Ems xxxxxx
Hello munchie, so sorry to have missed you yet again! Today we broke up for half-term which I feel well ready for.Going to slow the pace down a little bit as I have been working very long days. Plans for the week involve making a dragons cave ???,practising my BIG lesson plan, meeting up with Beth on Tuesday to bring her into Bath for a days shopping. Helping various people with essays, housework, seeing Emily on Thursday and sleeping. The weather is still awfully cold but the first signs of spring are appearing. Am going to call you maybe Sat morning. I miss you and love you to bits...xxxxxxxx
hello sweety-pie,totally jealous that i missed you today on the phone.will catch up on friday. The photos are fab, lovely sunny days,amazing places, weird creatures and your lovely smiling face.....The friends you are with look so nice and how kind everyone is with lifts and a bed for the night. Glad to hear you are on the move Byron Bay is meant to be very beautiful. One of my mums is bringing in her photos, she has been there a lot. I miss you but am very pleased you are having such a good time. Wish i was there it's sooo cold dark and wet here.love you xxxx
Hello Darling Jess - it was lovely to talk to you an hour ago and good to hear (and see) what a fantastic time you're having. I know you will feel a long way away but remember, even out there, you can be home in a couple of days. Not that you'd want to, but it's a reassuring thought. And you really wouldn't want to be here now - cold, wet, thawing snow and a 'Winter Storm' on the way apparently. Yecch.
We had a great time with Beth, Sandy and Christine - even managed a running snowball fight. Missed you, of course....
The photos are just great - keep them coming! I'm so pleased you made it to the Blue Mountains - they look as if they were well worth the effort.
Lots and lots of love always Dad xxxxx
hey you, any chance of some photos yet.we need to see some sun! Jacky Hansard rang today she has found some work you did for her at school age 5/6,i am looking forward to seeing it.It's raining now. Have you got your phone set up now? Love and miss you. mummy xxxx
Dear Jessica your adventures sound amazing and I am looking forward to seeing the photo's, they will be a very welcome change from looking at the snow, lovely though it is, it does make getting about rather hard work. Planning lots with your Mum and Val which all sounds good if we manage to get it sorted with dates to suit all. Take care of yourself and stay safe. Love Jane xxx
Christine & Sandy
Hi Jessica, this is the look I had when I landed here. It is FREEZING and being a tropical girl, this is very foreign but very lovely.
I am Sandy's partner and Malaysian in ethnicity. I see from your travel map that you are going to be in Penang in May. If you need any tips or hints or anything, I'm happy to share some. Just email me!!
Sandy and I are staying at Beth's for 2 nights. We have now met your whole family including the furry members.
Looking forward to meeting you one day, enjoy yourself and email me anytime.
hi jss the gang is here plus dogs but i'm missing you have a good time in Brisbane and say hi to rohan love beth
Hi Jess, Have a fabulous time. Your mum told me about your blog so I'm looking forward to hearing about your travels! Enjoy! Jacky
Hello Noo so lovely to hear from you so often it makes me feel closer. Spent the day cleaning up after the boys came round last night some of whom felt the need to b***** off again..guess who? met up with Val and Jane in the slug and lettuce at 3pm and have to confess we all got a little sliggy sliggy jane wants to arrange a girls weekend at centre parks and val suggested a night in London Stringfellows to be exact so lots of fun to look forward to. sat in front of the fire with daddy and the dogs watching The Italian Job right now. we are meeting Sandy and his new fiancee Christine at bets tomorrow as they are over from NZ. love you loads and loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Jess - any chance of some photos of sunny Sydney to cheer us up here in the frozen North? xxxx
Hi Darling Jess - thanks for your mail, which I will get cracking on straight away. Sounds like your day has been just fantastic! Here it has been freezing cold - and, would you believe, 3 feet snowdrifts up on Kelston Roundhill. Kingswood was closed again although Mum and Ben ade the effort to get there. They were turned back by Mr Burgin when it became obvious that no-one else was coming in! Otherwise, loads of Ben's mates were round last night, with three of them doing a bunk again - remember you and me chasing them before Christmas! All ended well, though. Today we're just going to complete Mum's job application and I'll watch the first Six Nations match. Just stripped your bed off to sort it out for when you come back.... We love you millions xxxxxxxx