Turkey Creek, Western Australia Jun 25, 2014 Worked 10 until 4 in the shop, having quiet night. Frank was suppose to go on the helicopter today but got cancelled. Accommodation free
Turkey Creek, Western Australia Jun 24, 2014 Started at 10 finished at 4 today, the days seem to be going by so quick again. Will have to hit the road again to slow it down, but need the money lol. Accommodation free
Turkey Creek, Western Australia Jun 23, 2014 Big day started at 7:30 finished at five, was busy and day went quick. Watched some TV then went to bed. Accommodation free
Turkey Creek, Western Australia Jun 22, 2014 Cleaned some rooms this morning and then in the shop this afternoon . Got a group of school kids in the park tonight 24 swags just across from us and there all chattering, hope they go to sleep early lol Accommodation free
Turkey Creek, Western Australia Jun 21, 2014 Boring day today, nothing to do but read and watch TV . Back to work tomorrow then won't be bored. Accommodation free