Wow the time has finally come and tomorrow we depart London Heathrow to Beijing on British Airways..I am so excited about what this next 9 months will bring, what we will see, who we will meet, what we will learn and what experiences we will have! Have my rucksack full to the point of bursting with clothes for every type of weather, water bottles, hikking boots, flip flops, mozzie spray, anti malaria tablets, dio-calm (just incase!!), thermals, hot choccie and of course The flag! I'm hoping to get this flag out at The Great Wall and whenever I feel fit to raise it!!!!
I can't beleive that after a year of work at King Richards School and saving the time has come. At times I thought the day would never come and sometimes I thought I may never raise enough money.I remember when when Millie (My car) had engine troubles and I had to pay out for her to get fixed. It was such a silly thought but I thought that I would never be able to save up for the dream trip! Then Millie died on me and I had Stephen's old car and then some how I ended up having my Aunties old car to! I got through 3 Fiestas in about 8months-impressive hay!!!!
I cant beleive that we are going to China, Japan and Hong kong in our first month and a half.I really can't wait to see the Great Wall of China and see Ankor Wat in Cambodia. I am so excited about visiting Thailand again and from what I have heard from Stephen Austalia sounds wonderful.I think one thing which I am itching to do is some more scuba diving! I am so excited about doing more diving and as soon as we get to warm waters I will be sure to be in the sea looking for Nemo! I guess you could call this a Scuba diving around the world trip....
I will be sure to write regular journal entries and add photos...Wish me luck and I promise to write soon!
Lots of Love Jennie
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