hey jen, this all sounds amazing! can you tell me how to say "you are a beautiful maiden" in chinese? what is the time difference? how are you coping without your spice girls cd's because i know you love them. :)
i worked long hours today and now am at home on the relax, i also stole some nice little sausages which i will utilise for midnight munch.
love from marty
Hey Jenna
Shame you haven't enjoyed Bangkok, I'm sure elephants will be much better and I'm glad your flight was good!
The cottage will be hard work, expensive but worth it in the end! I might actually be in it by the time you are back and then you have to come and stay and tell me all about your travels and we can eat sushi : )
Take care and have loads of fun, I'm really jealous!
Love lots
Caz xxx
Hi, so Bangkok is too third world. Hope the elephant trip is more fun. Good that you dont have to stay longer than you want. Was that where Anne hit a policemen whilst sozzled? not a clever move. He probably felt flattered and thought it was a weird western come-on. Baby blue t*** are still squeaking and enjoying spiders and caterpillars.
Love and bussis
Pete Cheesy
Hi Jenna,
Just got an email about your travel blog and checked it out! Sounds like you're having an ace time, the parasite museum sounded particularly interesting! :-) Im so jealous, stuck here in rainy old Nottingham, ah well, at least its nearly the weekend, off to a fancydress party tomorrow, going as a chimp- so some might say i dont really need to "dress up" at all!
Not much has changed here really, still playing hockey on a thursday, although ive moved upstairs now on your old floor but next to the windows overlooking the river. Oh, and we've got one of those chocolate cafe places in Derby now, you know, the one where you get a free chocolate! Exciting times!!! :-)
Anyhow, I hope you're having a really cool time, keep an eye out for that road kill, take care,
Pete Cheesy x
WOOOWWW....sounds like you are having a blast! Keep on keeping on - you are going to have such an excellent time :) Things ticking along here -handed in my 9000 dissertation last week then went to a crazy rave on a fort a mile out to sea - still recovering!!
Glad to hear your well, and having a good time. Sounds interesting all the things you've been getting up to. Its nice that you're keeping everyone posted on what you're doing and getting up to.
We've had a great Pride weekend in Brum, i was in the Pride march through town! lol.
Take care of yourselves, and have fun! Love kirps xxx
You sound like you are having an ottimo time...very jealous of you seeing the geisha's...how amazing :) How are you taking it all in...Is it flying past?? or going at a steady speed for you.
Missing seeing you I do...agh! Only 6 1/2 months to go lol...but wow...so much to catch up on...even already.
Nothing too exciting happening in Notts at the moment..Fudgy is fine..and the cats are wee devils...
Love to you both mwah mwah xxxxx
Juniper!! Sounds like you are having a great time. Tell more stories. I will email the to do list when i can but for now just do the learning to cook all the foods thing. I went to see the Dalai Lama on sunday as he was in notts. Also someone dropped out of the competition trip so I was asked to take their place in the international congress in croatia, sounds sweet no? Made any interesting friends? love to you both
Hi Jenna and Alice, Sounds like ur having a great time! Bob and I went to Birmingham this weekend. We went to a nice restaurant in Mosely and saw a jazz band at lunch time today. Its raining in England at the moment! Is the weather in Japan good? Sophie is at home this weekend and Poppy is staying with baby Zack, who is very cute!. They all send their love. max ,Alex and Bob say hallo too!
The exhibition went very well thank you! Lots of positive comments about my pieces and a lot of interest, i have saved you a badge and catalogue from the show so you can see when your back. I'm missing you muchly too You will neever beat me at rummy, beacause you are a bit pants at it! I haven'y downloaded any films of late i'm afraid i will save that closer to the time of your return.
Your travels sound sooo exciting and you seem to be busy all the time, which i guess is a good enough excuse to not update your blog. Only a few days till Thailand, if you see a big wave, run in the opposite direction very fast and preferrably climb a mountain.
Oh there is a good band you should see whilst you are in Oz, although i can't remember who they are, when i do i will let you know.
Oh a bit of IT advice, if you want to respond to messages individually you do it through your email. So log in to hotmail where it will show you the messages and then you can reply through that. And in regards to uploading pics i wil email you some guidelines, so check your emails.
I will also email you pics from exhibition last night.
Well best go, I'm suffering from all the free wine last night, but it was good wine, you missed out there hallett.
Much love to you both, and i look forward to receiving my gifts in the mail bye for now xx
Hello, hope all is well with you both! Just to let you know my pieces have now gone on artpride website which is www.artpride.org
Check it out jenna mallett hallett. Will send you a link to pics of tomorrow night when it's all over and i have recovered! Much love x
woooooooo, sounds sooo cool! Little personal bubbles aye...did you have one? or were you going round like a ping pong ball...Keep absorbing it..It all sounds great.
I told everyone at work about me...it's all okay so looks like I'll be staying here for a little bit longer :) Just thought I'd let you know..lol.