Hi everyone!
Hope u are all ready for christmas! first of all would like to wish my godson Caleb a massive happy 1st birthday for tomorrow the 16th and also my lusho Serena who share birthdays obvs shes not 1! have a great days kids sorry im missing out!
so me and Lauren went surfing and it was loads of fun very hard work and i wasnt very good but i gave it a go i stood up for a total of 1 time for approx 3 secs! soooo probs wont make it a new hobby! we tried for 4 hours though and in the afternoon we made a picnic and went for lunch with Tom and father dougal that night they came to our hostel got very drunk on goon and i threw up about 4am its nasty stuff! next morning we got the greyhound bus to hervey bay where we had booked a 2night 3 day tour of fraser island(largest sand island ibn the world btw) the hostel we stayed in was very grotty probs worse so far so we had all u can eat pizza and got an early night aso fraser island tour started at 6am, when we arrived we were split onto groups and sent to local supermarket to get food and booze for 3 days with 6 strangers we had just met! we had 9 loaves of bread between 7 of us cereal burgers and goon well balanced diet!
We got up bright and early and were told by our guide Jonny that the weather was going to be awful for the whol trip but we had to "embrace it" so of we went we were in group 1 which turned out to be the best group by far! group 1 consisted of myself ,lauren, jo and sam 2 lads from leicster who have been working in oz a year and a half, Ed from hull/london and 2 german lads felix and yanosh! we took turns in driving the 4 by 4 were shown a shocking video from the oz goverment bout not dying or smashing up the cars! we got the ferry over to fraser and started to bond, we first went to lake mackensie which was stunning (google it) had lunch and then walked through the rainforest and drank from the freshwater streams, that afternoon we went to see a shipwreck on the beach which was huge very old and intresting and rusty! went back group 1 cooked first which the othe groups werent that happy about that way we didnt have to clean up the bbq :) we cracked open the goon and mostly gruop 1 and 1 french guy called thomas played ring of fire and all go very drunk, but helped how we wslept in the tent although me and lauren had borrowed (stole) pillows from the hostel we were ok, there were no toilets of showers on site so next morning had bad goon hangovers very hot and smelly!
we had brekkie and then set of for the day the weather was amazing turns out the guide was wrong! so we went to another fresh water lake for a wash it was amazing! there was an english girl think she was called helen all she did was moan so we renamed her whingy b**** she didnt smile she moaned that it was too hot the campsite wasnt big enugh the boys were too sweaty a really sour face B****! we had lunch again did quite a bit of driving taking it in turns seen planes land beside our car on the beach which was cool then we went to a part called champagne pools which was whee the sea wate crashed against the rocks and caused rock pools of water to fizz after this we went to india heads which was a cliff with a view of the top of the island where we seen turtles and i swear i seen a shark cos they were in there and we werent aloud to swim in the sea but as noone else seen it i had no confirmation if it was a shark! we then went backto camp seen a few dingoes strolling about but they didnt come into camp, group 1 cooked first again much to whingy b****'s dislike! we had pasta second night there was a group of frenchpeople who were cooking complex stuff like ceaser salad and kangaroo, we were basic, and started on the goon again we had been told buy jonny the guide that further along the beach there was some men who set up a disco and have a lit up sign saying disco here tonight to attract backpackers so after a few goons we decided it would be funny to go take a look and it was an old guy in his 50's called jonesy and his 20 yr old son called casey who had strobe lights massive sound system and were dancing on thier own was very surreal but v funny we stayed for a while had a dance and then went back to camp about midnight finished the 6 boxes of 4litres of goon! next morning we woke up early again sun wass till ut packed up our stuff and left about 9am and headed back to lake mackensie for a few hours then we had to get the ferry back over to hervey bay, after 3 days of no showers we were all quite smelly so we had a shower ate some of our left over bread and went for dinner at a local bar the whole trip consisted of 20 people and everyone said they would join us for dinner but it was only group 1 minus the germans and with a member of group 4 Paul from liverpool who is a real scouser unlike lauren who is a posh scouser!
and he wanted to be part of group 1 but was confused about his identity!
we went back to the scabby hostel and drank more goon and played ring of fire about midnight we walked to the local nightclub Vipers it was awful it smelt of sick and sweat full of 18 yr old aussies but we had a good dance was still pouring with rain when we left so we got a cab and when we got back we thought it would be fun to go for a swim in our pool and it was fun, got to bed about 4.30am and was up at 6.30am to get the bus to noosa where iam now just been walking round tomorrow im off to Brisbane to stay with Lisa and justin for a few days so excited about not sleeping in a dorm!
So thats all for now, love u all and miss u lots!
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Metz I'm currently riedang Paul Malmont's The Astounding, The Amazing and The Unknown. Next up is The Inheritance and Other Stories by Robin Hobb/Megan Lindholm and after that, The True Adventures of the World's Greatest Stuntman by Vic Armstrong.